Name of Stitches – Love the Stitch Need the Name


Name of Stitches

Name of Stitches you’ve always wanted but didn’t know.Am sure that like me everybody has had a stitch they wanted to learn but couldn’t ask for help because they didn’t know the name. I have seen so many beautiful hats and scarfs where the knitter just takes a picture but never tells you Anything about how to make the darn thing. If they would at a least give you the name of stitches you would be one step closer.

Well while trying to translate a stitch from Spanish to English I pumped into this website called WOW.

Name of StichesMy Personal Experience with Name of Stitches Search

To the left is the picture of a stitch I had hunted down forever. I had not considered looking for a Stitch Directory . The phrase had not come up in my cluttered brain. Online searches are useless without the right words. I’m so glad I stumbled upon this website. It was like stepping on a diamond on my way to ask to the neighbor for some rocks.

My stitch was on page 3 of the Gallery. First I must say, Thank God it wasn’t page 24 or 25. I might have gotten a bit frustrated. I clicked the image and found that the name of the stitch is Trellis. Although I am not a needle knitter the names of the stitches for needle knitters and loom knitters are the same.

I then entered these words on my browser, “Trellis stitch on loom”. Ta-da, I found the pattern.I can’t promise your search will be this fruitful as quickly as mine.

If you too are interested in the Trellis stitch for a loom : Click Here

[ Image Credit: Elaine Joann Lyons ]



The Trellis Stitch is included in this book among MANY other very cool stitches. I know the book say sock but I love it as a stitch resource.

Loom Knitting Socks is not really for beginners – more like intermediates but so worth the small cost. The stitches are show on clear diagrams. To me this makes knitting so much easier. My eyes and brain can process pictures better than words.

Right now it has 4 out of 5 stars on Amazon – I think because it says beginners and it’s not. GREAT BOOK for Loom Knitting Stitches.

The Website

Name of stitches is great but you can get more. This site is so worth your time if you do any form of knitting. There is a directory of abbreviations, symbols and a translator. You can translate in 14 languages ! She has 2400 stitch patterns, a stitch counter, a sweater wheel,  and a lot more.

Plus she is toooo funny.. here is one of her tweets: I just bought: ‘Duck Dynasty Redneck Wisdom Board Game’ by Duck Dynasty via amazon

I like this virtual space and plan to hang out there for a bit.
For a Link to the Website Homepage: Click Here
For  a Link to the Stitch Gallery: Click Here


A Few REALLY Good Stitch Resources for Loom Knitting.



It is difficult to follow  patterns if you don’t know the required stitches. YouTube is a great source for stitches. Visit the site and put the name of the stitch in the search bar. I personally don’t do well with patterns – they have to be simple with few instruction. I rely heavily on YouTube because I prefer to “See” instructions instead of “Reading” them. I have mild ADD and some patterns can be totally impossible. This list includes nice easy knit / purl combinations of stitches.

Of course there is always Google. The Google Image Search is great. Don’t shy away from the other’s like Bing and Ask.


Here are a few of the Stitch resources I use:

Click the Stitch Image above.

KnittingLoomCentral: Basic Stitches

Isela Phelps:  Stitch Guide

Kristen Magnus: YouTube Stitch PlayList

Sofia Burns: Loomatics


Books for Patterns and Stitches

Loom Hat Patterns

Learn Stitches

Loom Hat Patterns

Learn Cables

Loom Hat Patterns

Learn Projects



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Comments: 12

  1. Viola March 16, 2016 at 10:10 am

    Hi I’m a student want to know if you can email me instructions of Slip stitching patterns,criss cross reversable knitting patternsBubble wrap stitch of knitting a guide what shows step by step , if you have. I would appreciate if you can help me.

    • Denise Canela March 24, 2016 at 10:12 pm

      Viola – sorry a bit confused about your request. I would tell you that the site has ALL my patterns – if you don’t see it here – I don’t have that.

  2. Earline Marini June 19, 2015 at 12:13 pm

    The Zig Zig stitch how would you work it on a circular loom?. I want to learn more stitches to put on hats. I make hats for charity

    • Denise Canela July 15, 2015 at 9:31 pm

      Hi Earline, Sooooooooooooooooooooooooo Sorry for the HUGE delay. I thought I had responded to this. Here is a pattern for the Zig Zig : Click HERE . For a list of stitch patterns: Click HERE
      Hope that helps

  3. Geri October 1, 2014 at 12:14 am

    Please explain meters to yards. Why can’t they put that info with patterns and on the skeins .

    • Denise Canela October 1, 2014 at 7:09 am

      1 meter equals 1.09361 yards
      Hope that helps,

  4. Nana White January 20, 2014 at 2:49 pm

    How do you do a purl stitch on a loom circular.

  5. Krista November 20, 2013 at 2:00 am

    Thank you! I also have been looking for stitches and never thought of looking for a stitch directory! This post is so helpful 🙂 thanks again!

    • Denise Canela November 20, 2013 at 7:08 pm

      Krista – You are VERY welcome! Thanks for the happy face . 🙂

  6. Karen Aicken October 6, 2013 at 4:03 pm

    Another great post – thanks so much for sharing! I’ve added your blog to my blogroll as well.
    Cheers, Karen

    • Denise Cenela October 6, 2013 at 4:38 pm

      Thank You Karen, the feeling is mutual. Love your beautiful work. I visit your blog often.

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