No Face Doll – What do You Think?


My No Face Doll

No Face DollI put some crazy, wild, colorful yarn hair on my new loom knit comfort doll. Now I’m debating whether to leave him as a No Face Doll or not.  Tell me what you think.

As a Dominican I grew-up seeing beautiful faceless dolls in my home in New York and in the home of many of my relatives. I was fascinated with them. They were figurines who wouldn’t tell us who they were – they were , “on one”.  That is the  history behind these ceramic ambassadors of our folklore. They were made to represent the women that sell their goods on the streets and local markets. The ones no one really looks at, the “Merchantas”. They’re faceless to everyone except the people who love them.

When I started to loom knit I wanted to make No Face Dollone of my own, a no face doll – in my own style. I’m happy to say it was one of my very first projects. I made her out of two tiny preemie hats sewn together.  I loved the way she turned out and today that little faceless doll is my avatar. If you look around you will see her everywhere I display my loom knit projects. She is a cutie and I named her My Ball Dolly.

In that spirit I fashioned a new loom knit doll, Wholly. But, my husband and I don’t see eye to eye on this one. When he saw my last creation he sat me down for a really short chat. In his words, “That doll looks creepy”.


Should I Put a Face – Yes or No

Comfort-Dolls-LoomI have made comfort dolls for a few years now for several of my favorite charities but I wanted to design a new one. Something different, a bit wild and a lot more colorful. I started my work on Wholly two weeks ago. But the debate started when I went to put a clown face on him. – I stopped – I couldn’t do it. I love my Wholly head Doll just as he is. I am torn BIG TIME

I asked my Facebook Family for opinions on my No Face Doll and ideas for adding a face. I got close to 40 responses. To see their answers: Click HERE . I am really considering the Button Eyes Audrey Erazo suggested.

The Wholly Head Loom Knit Comfort Doll is your next FREE website Pattern. I hope to have it here on the site before the end of the week.  I Thought I would let my readers give me some feed back. I love you guys !

So, What do You Think? FACE OR NO FACE?

Leave your comments below. They will be highly cherished  !


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Comments: 21

  1. Patricia April 18, 2015 at 2:07 am

    I vote no face. I grew up among the Amish and they do not put faces on their dolls. I have loved the look of them since I was a little girl. Who ever you give it to (or even if you keep it yourself) can use their imagination as to what the doll looks like!

  2. Peggy. Hadley April 15, 2015 at 4:50 pm


  3. Karah April 14, 2015 at 8:16 pm

    I love the ball dolly. It is sweet and simple. Everything about it is perfect. It could have a cute little smiley face but it does not need one. I have made it in pastels for babies rooms and it is a cheerful soft gift. It is a winning design. Love making it and love giving these sweeties as gifts. Thanks.

  4. Peppy April 14, 2015 at 8:15 pm

    No face- so,very cute as it is, how did you do the hair? Love it! Just love this entire site too!

  5. Karah April 14, 2015 at 8:10 pm

    The no face doll is like a clown without a face. I don’t think a face would make it better. I love the comfort dolls but this doll is kind of creepy. Sorry…but maybe with a few changes this doll would be adorable!

  6. Andrea Hunter April 14, 2015 at 2:23 pm

    No face, this lets the imagination create the mood and personality.

  7. Shirley April 14, 2015 at 10:35 am

    It depends on who you are knitting it, to knit a face or not. I think its cute without a face and it would be cuter with a face.

  8. Diane Surber April 14, 2015 at 9:34 am

    I like a face

  9. necie April 14, 2015 at 9:18 am

    I agree with no face for a couple reasons. Some religions do not allow dolls to have faces And this will bring out creativity of the recipient. Besides, it is too cute just like it is. Would love to see a video of how you did the hair. I have tried it before but mjne never turned out as good as yours.

  10. Michelle April 14, 2015 at 7:41 am

    No is my vote.
    I have just been learning about faceless dolls and think I stories are fascinating.

  11. Helen April 14, 2015 at 6:48 am

    if it is a gift, it depends on the person on the person the doll is going to. My grand daughter was given a faceless doll when she was 4 and when no one was looking she drew a face on it with magic market.,,,,bi natter what, the dolls are lovely.

  12. Teresa Matson April 14, 2015 at 6:01 am

    I love it just the way it is! I stared at that cute little doll for quite a while and could see many faces! And I’m 50! It captured my imagination and the feeling was incredible! Sounds silly, I know. Too many toys have stripped our children of their imagination and it’s nice to see one that inspires it! Thank you Denise!

  13. carole murphy April 14, 2015 at 3:47 am

    He is adorable….face yes

  14. D.A. Fox April 14, 2015 at 3:14 am

    I can see it both ways… with or without. It could even be made to look like a clown doll if someone loved clowns. The colors are so vibrant and beautiful!

  15. Teresa April 14, 2015 at 1:51 am

    That seems to be up to you which way makes you comfortable. You can always put a face on it at a later time when you feel it needs a face.

  16. muriel April 14, 2015 at 12:36 am

    I like the “no face” The doll can then be many different personalities for every person.

  17. Susan Acevedo April 14, 2015 at 12:12 am

    You don’t need a face because everyone who sees the doll will see the face they need.

  18. Karen April 13, 2015 at 11:45 pm

    It really doesn’t matter what we all think. It is what you prefer and what you grew with. Either way the dolls will look good. Myself, I prefer a face as that is how I grew up. Go with your instinct. When some makes your pattern they will be able to choose to have a face or not., Actually, the one you have for your avatar does look good with the face but the other one I, myself would consider putting a face on it If I were making it. You do a very nice job on them.

  19. Mary April 13, 2015 at 11:29 pm

    I like to see it with a face

  20. Sandy April 13, 2015 at 9:59 pm

    No face – that way the child can imagine it

  21. Karen April 13, 2015 at 9:49 pm

    I like it with no face.

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