Operation Christmas Child Loom Knitting Projects

Operation Christmas Child : My All-Time Favorite Charity

Operation Christmas ChildOperation Christmas Child  started in 1993. It is the gift giving project of the relief organization Samaritan’s Purse. Today they have traveled to over 130 countries and have delivered over 100 million gift filled shoe boxes.

This charity is especially close to my heart. How can I express the love my family and I have for this project but by telling you that we work all year-long looking for bargain items and  making special hand-made gifts to fill shoe boxes that I know will travel across the globe to some poverty-stricken, hurting , and often abandoned children left in cold and unloving orphanages. I have personally met two recipients, now grown-ups, who have told us of unspeakable situations and the impact of a small but powerful little shoe box.

I know that many of these kids have Never had a toy or a candy. That many will go to school for the first time because in my little boxes I remembered to include school supplies.

I am so amazed of the joy that I can give with just a few store-bought items and a few loom knitted toys. Let me show you what that joy looks like…

Operation Christmas Child

How Can Your Loom Knitting Help Operation Christmas Child?

Operation Christmas ChildI’m glad you asked because I wanted to share this information and let you know that this is a great place for your loom knit treasures. You don’t need to fill a whole shoe boxes. If you only send a few hats, a mitten or knitted toy that’s OK, because very often they receive boxes at their headquarters that are not filled with enough items. During inspection they take candy and fillers that are donated and make sure that Every box has enough goodies to make the little recipient very happy. That child will only get one shoe box from Operation Christmas Child once in his or her entire lifetime. The folks at the service center have to make that one count.

So if you send loom knitted toys, hats, socks or scarves they will use those items as fillers. Isn’t that awesome? Please note that you don’t need to send your donation to their headquarters. There are local drop-off sites all over the US, Canada and other countries.

For more information on donating gifts-in-kind, please contact Operation Christmas Child Corporate Relations at (828) 262-1980 ext. 8037 or e-mail OCCGIK@samaritan.org.


2017 Collection Week is November 13-20


Operation Christmas Child



FREE Loom Knitting Patterns

Below are just some of the items you’ll find under the Projects page that you can make to send to OCC. Click on the pictures for links to FREE Patterns and Video Tutorials.

Operation Christmas Child

Loom Knit Doll

Operation Christmas Child

Friendship Bracelet

Operation Christmas Child

Recycle Doll


Start Loom Knitting for Operation Christmas Child Early


There are so many sweet little items that you can loom knit consider one of these little portable buddys. Comfort-dolls are VERY cheap to make. They are small and lovable made from your left-over. Once you get the hand of the simple pattern you’ll get them done in no time flat.

Make them male or female. Use crazy, bright happy colors when possible. These kids live in a gray and brown world. You can even make a Santa Clause if you just change the colors to fit the outfit.

You imagination is the only limit.

For the Pattern: Click Here


Loom-Knit-SquaresHow about a loom knit wash cloth for your Operation Christmas Child shoebox.  Knit a perfect square on any loom, round or square.

One must is that you make sure to use cotton yarn. Acrylics and acrylic blends don’t do good with this application. Cotton as a natural fiber will do fine with the long periods of moisture. Not to mention how beautiful you can make a hand-made cotton wash cloth.

Another project that can be made using left-over yarn. Make them in stripes so that you only need a bit of each color.

Get buck wild and crazy with this one.

For the FREE loom knit pattern: Click Here


Operation Christmas Child


This little bracelet can be made with ANY loom. It can be round, square or rectangular. It doesn’t matter because you’re only using some of the pegs and not all of them.

This is a great project for your kids to do for their shoe boxes for Operation Christmas Child and you won’t have to buy any extra equipment. If you loom knit you all ready have everything other than the rubber bands. You can use the Rainbow loom bands or and you can get  braid bands at Walmart or any local hair store.

For the FREE loom knit pattern and video tutorial: Click Here


Operation Christmas Child

How about a nice pencil grip. This little project will add so much love value to that precious pencil. It will help those little guys that are handling their writing utensils for the first time ever.

Like some of the other projects with the rubber bands this little project is kid friendly and beginner EASY. Plus if you have ANY loom you already have all the equipment you need other then maybe the rubber bands. You can use the Rainbow loom bands or and you can get  braid bands at Walmart or any local hair store.

For the FREE loom knit pattern plus picture video tutorial: Click Here

List Videos for Gift Ideas

Complete Playlist : Click HERE
Kitty: Click HERE
Comfort Dolls: Click HERE
Barbie Dress: Click HERE
Cupcake Skirt Dolls: Click HERE
Tiny Dolls: Click HERE
Friendship Bracelets: Click HERE
Fishtail Bracelets: Click HERE
Grips: Click HERE
Pencil Case: Click HERE
Sachet BagClick HERE
Gift BagsClick HERE
ShoelacesClick HERE
Washcloth 1: Click HERE
Washcloth 2: No Video -only stitch Click HERE
Flower: Click HERE
Hat 1: Click HERE
Hat 2: Click HERE

Join me in making a difference in a child’s life.



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Comments: 6

  1. Kat Pritchett November 20, 2016 at 4:12 am

    I love knitting comfort doll for OCC. This year I added some of the Itty Biddy dolls and kittens knitted from patterns you have shared this year.

    A church member is associated with an orphanage in Russia and asked if I could make her some hats. I made several patterns. Your spiral hat was a big hit with the teens in the orphanage. Thank you so much for sharing your patterns and videos. Many children around the world are blessed by your efforts.

    • Denise Canela December 15, 2016 at 10:42 pm

      Kat – soooooo so so sorry for the delayed response. More importantly let me say that it is for people like you that I started to load my knitting videos up on YouTube – for the charity knitter. You Fuel Me Kat ! Thank you Thank you Thank you for taking the time to leave this comment. You have blessed me Sister.
      Hugs and Kisses !!!!!!!

  2. Carol M November 10, 2016 at 6:55 pm

    Hey Denise, I was reviewing your website the other day and clicked on the charities link. Just wanted to say THANK YOU as I contacted this organization to see if they could use some hats for the children’s Christmas project and they said yes. As of today I have 17 hats and 3 scarves ready to donte to them. Since next week is the drop off week I’ll take them to a location near me to add to some of the boxes others have put together. If it hadn’t been for your site I would never have known about Samartin’s purse so again THANK YOU! I hope you and your family have blessed holidays

  3. Cheryl September 5, 2014 at 1:50 pm

    I love packing for OCC all year and crafting for my boxes…a personal touch.

  4. Amy October 25, 2013 at 10:56 am

    I love your ideas and passion for OCC. In April I was honored to travel to Uganda to distribute shoebox gifts with OCC. So many of the boxes had hats in them and the children were so happy. They even came up to us and asked if we had more hats to give the children that did not receive one. We didn’t understand why these children were so excited to get hats when it was about 80-90 degrees. We were told the children love the hats because many of them do not have blankets to sleep with at night so they put the hat (scarf and mittens too) to stay warm at night.. Keep packing hats!

    • Denise Cenela October 25, 2013 at 12:37 pm

      Love IT Amy ! ! ! You need to know that I have a smile from ear to ear. My heart is full. I think God sent you here to put this little love note for me. THANK U Girl !!!!

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