Loom Knitting Socks: A Beginner’s Guide – Book Review

Loom-Knitting-SocksLoom Knitting Socks: A Beginner’s Guide to Knitting Socks on a Loom with Over 50 Fun Projects (No-Needle Knits)

Loom Knitting Socks can be easy and fun. But for me, well I’m not a fan. So when I was looking for my very first loom knitting book review choice and I saw this book among the listing my first thought was – ah NO. Then I remembered that this book had a pattern for the Trellis stitch and that was the game changer. I bought the book.

I have to start by coming clean and admit that I now use this book  A LOT and I mean a lot but not just for socks. This 144 page resource by Isela Phelps is a treasure trove of beautiful loom knitting stitches. Complete with easy on the eyes stitch charts. I LOVE stitch charts – big time.

I’m happy I bought the book. There are some pros and some cons. But the cons are microscopic and for some people not even that.


T-Shirt Yarn – Howto Including Video

T-shirt YarnT-Shirt Yarn

T-Shirt yarn is not just a great recycling project, the look of these finished projects is beautiful. The texture is very different from yarn. I find it odd that I think of the word, Elegant for these items. This is especially true when in the hands of Boa-Khang Luu from Releve Designs.  He is one of my favorite recycling (oops I mean up-cycling) experts.

Image Credit (Above and Below) : Releve Designs


Rainbow Loom Bracelets Fishtail – Without the Rainbow Loom

Rainbow Loom Bracelets Fishtail on Your Loom

Rainbow Loom Bracelets Fishtail

Rainbow Loom Bracelets Fishtail without the Rainbow Loom. You can make this very pretty bracelet on any loom you already have. The size and shape don’t matter because you only need two pegs. This means that from the smallest to the largest, round or square, doesn’t matter, if you have a loom it will work. So here your chance to use that loom that’s gathering dust from lying around.

I didn’t even use the rubber bands from Rainbow Looms nor the c-clips. Below are the items I used to make my Rainbow Loom Bracelet.

Scroll Down for A Pattern and Tutorial Video

Para un Tutorial en Español : Haga Clic Aquí


Loving with Looms Award 2013


Loving with Looms Award 2013

I am happy to announce the First Annual Loving with Looms Award. Join me in honoring someone who has used this awesome art to express their love and care for others and their plight in life. The award, along with a $50.00 Amazon Gift Certificate is to be presented to a humanitarian loom knitter. Too often people dig into their own resources to knit their treasures with no thought to personal cost or gain. I just want to give them a little bit of love and a small tangible reward.

Hey, don’t be so humble, nominate yourself and use this opportunity to introduce others to your favorite charity. Some of us would love to know where we can send our loom knitted projects. We can also make a donation in your name to the charity instead of the Amazon Gift Certificate.

If you can not think of a single person to nominate would you please consider voting for my nominee listed below. ( Read More )…

Featuring YOU and Your Website

Featuring You


Featuring You

Featuring you and your webpage on my website would be a great pleasure for me. Email me a jpeg or post a link to your picture and I will feature your work of art and your webpage (if you have one that is relevant, like knitting or crafting – not car parts ) in my Readers Picture Gallery that I hope will be up and running by November. So pick a pattern (it must be one of MY patterns: LoomaHat, MissionBoundCreations or ComoTelar ) , knit your creation, take a picture of your finished work and send it to me. I know that there is not a large selection, I am working on that. Hopefully there will be at least three more soon. I’ve got my eye on some teddy bears because I want to loom knit one for The Mother Bear Project.  Should anyone have a suggestion I am all ears. I’m still working the kinks out of the pattern.


Name of Stitches – Love the Stitch Need the Name


Name of Stitches

Name of Stitches you’ve always wanted but didn’t know.Am sure that like me everybody has had a stitch they wanted to learn but couldn’t ask for help because they didn’t know the name. I have seen so many beautiful hats and scarfs where the knitter just takes a picture but never tells you Anything about how to make the darn thing. If they would at a least give you the name of stitches you would be one step closer.

Well while trying to translate a stitch from Spanish to English I pumped into this website called Knittingfool.com. WOW.


Provo Craft Projects & Free Knifty Knitter Patterns

provo-craftProvo Craft Projects

Provo Craft Projects just disappeared one day. Poof. Into a cloud of dust. Everybody’s online links broke. Worst of all, no word from the folks at Provo. Just the sound of the wind whistling Circuit ads every time you clicked a link to a Knifty Knitter loom knit pattern or any craft project. It was so frustrating because I had spent a lot of time going through pages of patterns looking for the round easy patterns. I pasted images and added links and tested them endlessly. When they stopped working I wanted to scream.

But there is a happy ending to this horror story, last week I got the greatest message ever ! ! ! Thanks to our friend SUE I found out that there is one place that has the Provo craft projects including the FREE Knifty Knitter loom patterns.  Wow, someone had saved the day. I don’t know how to thank Sue. I hope you guys will take a little time and thank her in our comment section or visit her Tumblr page ( Click Here ) and say hello.

For the answer to the question: Where did the Provo Craft Project Go?

All you have to do is Scroll Down for the links to the webpage or Click Here for my 100 Free Round Loom Patterns. It includes some but not all the projects because this page focuses on Easy round loom patterns only.



Free Circular Loom Patterns

Free Circular Loom PatternsFree Circular Loom Patterns

Here is the continuation of the list of 100 Round Loom Projects by 2014. Projects 61 – 104 are found here.

The original page was taking to long to download on some computers so I had to move the list of projects to this page. I know how frustrating this issue can be. I have an old computer that I have wanted to put a hammer to for the last 2 years but my kids still use it.

I hope this helps some folks out. Please feel free to let me know about any links you would like me to include here. SO many people have been kind enough to link me to their page or their favorite loom knit project.

You can email me at denise@loomahat.com or put your links in the comment section of the page.



Basketweave Stitch Hat – A Free Pattern

Basketweave Stitch HatBasketweave Stitch Hat

The Basketweave Stitch Hat was designed especially to donate to Knitting Rays of Hope a group that loom knits for cancer patients big and small.  My intention was a 1920’s style hat for a  millennium baby. I have to say that I am very happy with the results

I am sharing this easy pattern for Free. My favorite price. I hope you will make one for your baby and give one to a great charity. Look at my list for a few suggestions.

Below is a the pattern. Please share your pictures, comments and suggestions. All are greatly appreciated


Sonia Cataquet – A Fabulous Loom Knitter and Her Patterns

Sonia-CataquetSonia Cataquet

I met Sonia Cataquet aka SCAT9019 on the Loom Knitting section of the  KnittingParadise.com forum. I go there on a regular basis to engage with knitters, help when I can, and find interesting projects.

Several months ago I was browsing through older threads looking for something of interest when I saw Sonia’s gorgeous bright pink sweater. I was so taken by the complex stitches that made up this incredibly beautiful design. When I went to her profile I found more awesome loom knit garments.



10-Stitch Blanket – Loom Knit Pattern w Video Tutorials

10-Stitch Blanket

10-Stitch-BlanketThe original 10-Stitch Blanket which is definitely a modern work of art by Frankie Brown . It’s a Free knitting pattern available on Ravelry .

There is now a Free conversion pattern by Charity Windham also on Ravelry for us loom knitters. I am really liking this one. Made on any size loom, no seams to sew, no size limit. This pattern is a “Must Do”.

Let me give you a cherry to put on top, Charity made a YouTube video. It’s impossible to say no to this terrific project.

[ Image Credit : Frankie Brown ]


Boye Stitch Markers – Use on Loom as Peg Marker

boye-stitch-markersBoye Stitch Markers

Boye stitch markers are used by knitters in many different ways to mark their work. I use them on my loom pegs to help me stay on track with my stitches.

Normally I use peg replacements with my Knifty Knitter looms because the pegs come off easily. But with the Darice Looms I have not been able to pull the pegs off so I resorted to stitch markers.

They come in different colors. This gives you  several stitch combination options, purple, green, yellow and no marker. The do open and close so they can be used to count rows on the real knitting. One example is every ten rows. I’m not a fan of counting and I’m easily distracted. I found these markers to be a great help.


Kid Knits – A Craft Kit with a Charitable Twist

Kid KnitsKid Knits

Kid Knits is extremely special. They put together loom knitting craft kits just for kids. But the story doesn’t end there.

I was introduced to Kid Knits by KnittingRaysofHope.com , a cancer awareness group that loom knits hats. They posted an article on their website when the two decided to partner-up. Clearly a match made in heaven.

I love loom knitting and get excited when I know someone is working to introduce this art to young people. I immediately went to the website to find out about the product and the folks behind this awesome concept. In less than 10 minutes I placed my first order. The idea was that I would wait to receive my kit to do a product review and give others a chance to know about Kid Knits Kits.  But by divine intervention I clicked the Blog link on the menu bar and read about Ellie.  I decided then and there that I couldn’t wait for the product to arrive to tell you about the people involved in putting these kits together. You will be as Wowed about them as I am. I promise.


Red Hearts Wreath of the Month Contest

red-hearts-wreath-of-the-monthRed Hearts Wreath of the Month

Red Heart’s Wreath of the Month is a really cool monthly contest. It includes a  themed wreath project complete with a Free Pattern. Great for seasonal inspiration and a chance to win not just Red Heart’s yarn but all the supplies needed to make the craft item . The wreaths are simply beautiful. You must go through their archives to see other months. Even if you’re not a fan of putting wreaths on your door you will appreciate how pretty and unique they are. You can apply some of the techniques to other forms of yarn art. I’ve noticed some stuff I want to add to my seasonal hats and to my dolls home decorations.


Comfort Dolls – Free Pattern with Video Tutorial

Comfort Dolls Izzy Duzua Softies Knit Free PatternComfort Dolls

This Free Comfort Dolls loom pattern is the easiest knit doll pattern ever. I warn you – they can become your new yarn obsession. These little guys are made using the 24-Peg small loom.You just need to know one stitch and this online article includes a video tutorial to help with that. There is a little hand sewing involved but nothing the average person can not handle.

Comfort Dolls are also known as Izzy Dolls, Duzuza Dolls, Pocket Pals and sometimes as Softies. They are a great way to use your left-over yarn.


En Español: Haga Clic Aqui



Its no secret that China is the worlds factory. For many years, Western countries have outsourced manufacturing jobs to China in order to save money and reduce their production costs. But how does this affect products made for Canadians? The answer is simple: it doesnt. Canada imports over $30 billion worth of goods from China every year from wethenorth darknet , making them our number one trading partner by a wide margin. Despite being so reliant on Chinese imports, there are virtually no safety standards enforced by the Canadian government. This means that most imported goods are not tested or regulated before they hit store shelves here at home - which can be dangerous for unsuspecting consumers who may accidentally purchase these unsafe products without knowing any better! Well talk more about.
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