How to Make Pom Poms

How-to-Make-Pom-PomsHow to Make Pom Poms on a Loom

I learned how to make pom poms on a loom while researching different ways to make this easy but awesome little yarn craft.

I found a video with a person that said she was making yarn bows for gift wrapping. Within a few days the link wasn’t working and it seemed that the video disappeared. So I made some adjustments to her pattern and filmed my own video. To me this is a yarn pom pom that can be used as a yarn bow. How’s that?


Boye Loom Set – A Product Review

Boye-Loom-SetBoye Loom Set

The Boye loom set is basically the same as most of the major selling plastic mass-produced looms. There are however a few small difference in this brand. One thing that is consistent and several that are occasional. Those issues are why I don’t use this loom or recommend it.

I like the box design which keeps the product well protected during transport. The availability of the loom is great. I now find it at all local Wal-Mart stores. I must admit that I’m partial to the bright happy kiddy colors. They are quite different from the basic color scheme used by Knifty Knitter and the plain natural wood used by some of the other brands.The plastic material seems sturdy and should last , or at least you would think so.

So what’s the problem …..



How to Buy on Amazon

How-to-buy-on-amazonHow to Buy on Amazon

Do you really need someone to teach you How to Buy on Amazon? Maybe not but, did you know that Amazon had a coupon page? How about the fact that if not careful you can pay more for a used item?  Like most people me included, probably not. That is just one of the reasons I want to show you how to buy on amazon. There is a way that gives you more options and great deals. This works best if you know some key information.

This site very often uses and recommends Amazon for product purchases. I created this article because I want to make sure that when you visit Amazon you don’t miss out on any deals or discounts. There is more than one way to buy your items there. Some deals you can see immediately for others you have to be vigilant, have a heads up or even go looking for it. So I want to let you know what I have learned and if you can share some tips in the comment section they will be greatly appreciated.  I don’t hold a monopoly on How to Buy on Amazon. I always love to learn something new.

How to buy on AmazonHow to Search the Product:

Amazon allows you to enter the product name and choose a department. An example is if you are searching for an iPad , you might choose Electronics for the department.

My Advise: Do one search with the specific department to get a shorter listing of your desired product. This will give you an understanding of price and scope. Then do one in All Departments. You will find more options that can give better deals.


How to buy on amazonLook for the Coupon

Did you know that Amazon has a product coupon? Take a quick look under your product to see if the little message, “Clip this coupon” is there. Click the button and you will get a discount during check out. If you’re not ready to check out just then don’t worry it stores the coupon for you under, “Recently Clip Coupons”, in the Coupon Page

In fact you can browse for coupons by department or interest. There are sub-categories like Most Popular, Newest or Expiring Soon. Just click the little blue letters that say , “See more coupons” and you will find a treasure trove of coupons. Sign-up for the Newsletter.

No scissors or dead trees. I love this option.  It’s great to know who to buy on Amazon with coupons. Whooda thunk it!



Pom Pom

Pom Pom – 6 Ways to Make Them and How to Attach Them

Pom PomA pom pom is easy to make and easy to use. I have learned 6 different methods to make them. Some you will already know and some will be new and maybe a little crazy to you. When possible I like to give folks options.

The application for this craft is boundless. Adults, kids and everybody in between loves pom-poms. I’ve also made a video to help with the oddest of all methods. Hope you enjoy and benefit from this information. By the way, I do highly recommend a good pair of really sharp scissors .



How to Make Shoelaces

How to Make Shoelaces on a Round Spool Loom


How to make shoelaces was a question I asked myself because I wanted a particular color of shoelaces. Loom knitting a set just seemed like a really cool idea. Especially because kids wear them out like there’s no tomorrow. Might as well put them to work and let me them enjoy making their own.

Not to mention how often I have been wanting a pair in a particular size and a very peculiar color.

So I made a pair and created a step by step video tutorial to help those that are visual learners like me. That way lots of other folks could enjoy this really cool project as much as I do.

Note: The video is one of my first and the quality is NOT that great. But the message gets through loud and clear. Plus check out the cool trick to avoid counting rows.

How to Make Fabric Flowers

How to Make Fabric Flowers Easy for Your Loom Knit Projects

How-to-Make-Fabric-FlowersI’m going to show you how to make fabric flowers, as my Southern husband would say, just as quick as you can shake a stick.

The hardest thing to do is cut the flowers and that is easy as pie. Oh no, another Southern saying. Does Florida count when you think Southern.

Anyway, back on subject. Below you will find a Picture tutorial and a Video tutorial.

I’ve included this project on this loom knitting site because these little flowers really dress-up any knit hat. .. Well, unless it’s for your husband. So there are some limitations.


The Dove Fund

The DOVE Fund and their Bandage Brigade

The-Dove-FundOn January 12, 2000 a group of Vietnam Veterans started The Dove Fund .  In its short history it has built 44 schools, 11 daycare centers, 3 medical clinics, and 5 mayor water projects among many other ongoing projects.

I have been moved by one particular service that is provided by these dear folks and their volunteers. They provide bandages to the lepers of Vietnam. Since 2008 their Bandage Brigade has delivered over 12,000 bandages. These are handmade by volunteers from around the globe.

I was amazed that in this century there were still people suffering from this horrific disease. I wanted to help and ask others to do the same.

All Images Credit: [ The Dove Fund ]

Why Handmade Leprosy Bandages

Leprosy-BandagesAccording to the folks on the ground in the colony for The Dove Fund, the handmade bandages breath better, can be washed, sterilized and reused. The bandages are not only used for sores but also for stumps. Gauze would wear out to quickly.

One more very important factor about making these bandages, the recipients know that it takes a lot of time to make one and so they feel that someone cares. A message rarely given to them.


Friendship Bracelet

Friendship Bracelet made on a Spool Loom

Friendship-braceletA Friendship bracelet is not just for kids in camp to give each other before they head home.  They are true fashion accessories. The color options are endless. They are cheap to make and I can’t imagine anybody not getting a kick out of getting one.

The name alone makes me happy. I love them but couldn’t seem to get the hang of making them. I watched few a videos – nothing inspired me. The results were thin bracelets that took way to long to complete. The I found a video on finger knitting a bracelet and something clicked in my brain. I figured out that I could Loom Knit a Friendship bracelet on a Spool Loom.

Everyone who knows me, knows how I feel about loom knitting.  What a great combination. To put the cherry on top I get to show others how to make them.

How to Loom Knit a Preemie Hat for a Baby

How to Loom Knit a Preemie Hat – Video and Picture Tutorial

Loom knit a preemie hatLearn how to Loom knit a preemie hat in minutes with a FREE pattern, video and text tutorial. Also works for newborn babies and some of the bigger dolls like American Girl. This is a very easy project and the returns are priceless. Whether you’re making the little caps for your own babies or as a gift. You will find that once you learn basic loom knitting skills you can complete one of these in less than 30 or 40 minutes.I made an easy to follow video tutorial. It will show you everything you need to know from start to finish in one short watch.

Note that I don’t knit the conventional loom knit brim for my newborn beanies. Instead  I allow the bottom to curl-up. This gives the hat the look of a loom knitted brim minus the harshness of a full double layered brim.

How Many Rows ?

How-many-rowsHow Many Rows Do You Need to Knit for …..?

How many rows do I knit for my 10-year-old, how many rows for a man’s hat, for my toddler, for my newborn, for the blanket ? I get asked this question in many different ways. Each has a generic answer which you can find in most size charts. We have one of those below.

But there is a better way…


Let’s Start with a Generic Size Chart for Loom Knit Hats

The chart is an example – The Advise works for ALL types of knitting, not just loom knitting and not just hats.


Learn to Knit – 10 Year Old Teaches Knitting on YouTube

Learn to Knit with Jackie

Loom Knitting KidsIf you ever wondered whether your kids could learn to knit, Jackie Alvarez has the answer, and it a resounding Yes.

This tiny hat knitting giant,  along with her mother, sister and even, get this, her father, tons of school and neighborhood tweens and teens have made hundreds of knit projects for relief organizations like Samaritan’s Purse, Relay for Life, other charities, hospitals and orphanages around the world.

In February of 2013 I recorded Jackie to create a loom knitting video tutorial just for kids.  You have to see her in action to believe that she is only 10 and is such an eloquent and effective teacher.. Watch with the kids. I promise that you will learn to knit and be inspired. I also assure you that you will have a lot of fun in the process.

I marvel at the picture above of Jackie at the tender age of 8 when she learned to make purses out of  her loom knitted hats . These have also found their way to many happy little girls around the world. She is as proud as she looks of her great accomplishment. I must say that I am TOTALLY proud to call her my friend.

You’re Going to Love Jackie as Much as We Do and

You and Your Kids will

Learn to Knit!




Knitting with an Attention Disorder

For Attention DisorderFor Attention Disorder Sufferers: You Can Knit!

Most people use a pattern when they knit. I’m not sure whether I can’t or I just won’t knit with a pattern.  I say that I’m not sure because no one has ever held a gun over my head and said, “Your life or some well knitted puffy slippers using this here pattern!”  The problem is that when I look at the list of instructions the lines seem to be duplicating in length and in complexity as I scan the document. I immediately feel overwhelmed and after the second or third line well, everything is a blur. Even if I start it seems almost impossible to finish. I start to think about other issues and ideas and off I go to another project without cleaning up the mess I made getting all the supplies for the first one.

Do I have ADD?..I don’t want to talk about it. Time is ticking and I might loose your attention, or my own. Let’s talk knitting and how I’ve done it even when it’s difficult to focus; for what ever the impeding reason.

I devised a formula that helps me. I’m not a medical professional of any sort – and this may not be of any help to you or for who ever you are reading this article. But if one person can knit because I shared this information then it was worth it. So here it is…

My Fab Five Formula: I use Video Tutorials, Simple Project Instructions instead of Patterns , Coins to Count, Looms Instead of Needles and I Change the Colors of the Pegs on my Looms depending on the project.

Let me explain each in detail:


How to Loom Knit a Doll Dress

 Knitting Doll Clothes is Important Because Barbie Always Needs a New Dress

How to Loom Knit a Doll Dress Knitting doll clothes can be fun and easy. If you can make a couple of pom poms and a simple small knit hat this outfit is yours.. Personalize it even more with bows , buttons or colored string. The point is to dress-up Barbie with a beautiful easy to make gown.

For creative choices, a few changes to the pom poms and the yarn color and the dress takes on a  whole other look.

Take a look at the next picture for examples of mild changes with interesting visual implications. 

I so loved this project. I have recycled Barbie Dolls now for 3 years. They have been sent all over the world, which I think is awesome for what would have been throw a-ways.



Scroll Down for a FREE Pattern and Video Tutorial


Loom Knit a Doll

Loom Knit Dolls – Easy

Loom Knit a DollI looked for a guide on how to loom knit a doll. I wanted to make some for my Operation Christmas Child shoe boxes and During my internet quest I found A LOT on how to crochet all kinds of patterns for knitted dolls. Well, I don’t know how to crochet so I didn’t need any of those patterns.  But by the grace of God I woke up on a Saturday at 6 am with all the instructions in my head.  The end product is a video on YouTube and what I hope is an easy picture tutorial below.

My cutie: The Ball Dolly. .. is precious to me.

She is easy to assemble but you must have 2 preemie loom knit hats which are easy to make.

If you don’t know how to make a preemie hat scroll down to the bottom of the article for a video tutorial.

For a 24 picture and text tutorial on how to loom knit a doll go the end of this article.


DOLLY VIDEO TUTORIAL AT THE END OF ARTICLE: If you don’t know how to make a Preemie Hat Scroll Down to the Bottom of This Article for an easy to follow video tutorial or Click Here




Another Loom Knit Doll is this

“Little Lady” comfort doll.

For a Free Pattern: Click Here



Loom knit a doll


Another Loom Knit Doll is this

“Little Dude and Friends” comfort dolls

For the Easy Free Pattern: Click Here




So let’s get started on the Ball Dolly! Please follow the pictures from left to right, the written instructions can be found under each college. If you get stuck on one part of the project… feel free to return to that spot as many times as is necessary, you can leave your questions or comments below.


 Supplies Needed: Two Loom Knit Preemie Hats,  Poly-Fil,  Extra Yarn Strings,   Scissors

Consider Joining Patreon . For as little as $2 get all patterns posted each month. With a higher $5 pledge you also get a mothly downloadable video so that you don’t need to be online to create your project.

To join Patreon: Click HERE

Part 1 of Picture Tutorial

How to Loom Knit Baby Booties with a Flower Loom

How to Loom Knit Baby Booties : Very Cute Very Easy 

how to loom knit baby bootiesI wanted to loom baby booties for charity. Priority number one was that they needed to be really cute but very simple to make because I don’t like to knit complicated projects and because I wanted to make a lot of them.

Since I didn’t know how to crochet or do regular knitting, figuring out how to do this using the same basic skills I use to loom hats was a bit difficult in the beginning  Going back and forth didn’t feel very natural with the first little sock. But, once I got going making these little knitted shoes it was easy as pie. Then I was hook I Loom Knit Baby Bootieswanted to loom baby booties in every color and for everybody, even the dog. By-the-way, even if you can loom baby booties for the dog you should reconsider. I don’t think they like the feel of the yarn. Any way, that’s another story for another day and another project.  If you do make some for your dog or cat, PLEASE send me pictures!

Its no secret that China is the worlds factory. For many years, Western countries have outsourced manufacturing jobs to China in order to save money and reduce their production costs. But how does this affect products made for Canadians? The answer is simple: it doesnt. Canada imports over $30 billion worth of goods from China every year from wethenorth darknet , making them our number one trading partner by a wide margin. Despite being so reliant on Chinese imports, there are virtually no safety standards enforced by the Canadian government. This means that most imported goods are not tested or regulated before they hit store shelves here at home - which can be dangerous for unsuspecting consumers who may accidentally purchase these unsafe products without knowing any better! Well talk more about.
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