Lace Stitch Spring Shrug on a Round Loom

Loom Knit Lacy Stitch Spring Shrug

Loom knit Lacy Stitch Spring Shrug

The loom knit Spring Shrug is easy to make. You can finish the project in a few hours with about 100 yards of yarn. I love the lacy stitch which works with any yarn thickness. I made with worsted weight yarn but you can use finger weight or even chunky.

The video will show you how to knit the small and larger version. Make sure you stay until the last part. The written pattern will include a version for the 41-peg loom.  ( Read More )…

Basket Rib Stitch aka Speckled Slip Pattern Video

Loom Knit the Basket Rib Stitch

Loom Knit Basket Rib Stitch

The Basket Rib Stitch is also known as the Speckled Slip Stitch. The written pattern makes it seem difficult for beginners but it really easy. It’s a four row repeat. Two of those rows are just knits. I believe you guys are going to like this one.

Although it’s not reversible both sides are really pretty. See the picture of the back of the stitch pattern below.


How to Loom Knit the Tiny Mouse Video

Tiny Mouse Loom Knitting Pattern Video

Loom Knit Tiny Mouse

I wanted to add a Tiny Mouse to my Tiny Dolls collection and I finally did it. I can honestly say that am really happy with this project. It has all of my favorite features. It is a small toy that you can make with scrap yarn in less than an hour. Stuff it with some catnip and give it to your favorite cat lover.

Because there is a step by step video tutorial even a beginner can knit this.


Super Stretchy Bind-off Flat Panel

How to Loom Knit the Super Stretchy Bind-off for Flat Projects

Super Stretchy Bind-off Flat

One of my Facebook followers asked about a good bind-off for her scarf. For those patterns done with a textured stitch I really like the super stretchy bind-off flat. I decided it would be a great idea to do a video for this sweet lady because I know it’s easier to see the technique instead of reading instructions.

Below is a six-minute step by step video for the cast-off. Keep in mind that the loom should not determine your bind-off. You should use the project to decide if this is the right one for you. I love using it for not just scarves but stuff like blankets, dish cloths, towels and any flat project that needs a bind-off that will stretch.


Loom Knit a Beret Hat Pattern Video

How to Loom Knit a Beret Hat Flat on Any Loom

My daughter asked me to knit a beret. If you follow me on Twitter you know that I’ve been struggling with this pattern. But I’m so happy with the way it turned out. There are a few things I can brag about.

Let’s start with the fact that you can knit this baby flat. That means you can use any loom with at least 24-pegs. Yes, you can knit an adult hat on that small 24-peg loom you use to make newborn hats.  And get this, can use any shape loom. It can be long, square, rectangular or circular.

In the video and in the written pattern I explain how to enlarge the hat and how to make a wider brim.


How to Loom Knit Beads, Buttons and Noses Video

How to Loom Knit Beads Pattern and Video

Loom Knit Beads Buttons Nose

I needed beads for my scissor fob pattern last year and yesterday when I needed a little bead for my new beret hat pattern I remembered that video. Some of you may not remember that project because well, you don’t need a fob. Unlike me you don’t loose your scissors.

The beret hat pattern will be coming soon. In the meantime you should learn how to make on little bead on the loom. You might need one for you hat, as a button or as a nose


Steam Blocking Acrylic Video

How to Remove Curling Edges on Knitted Fabric

If you knit a scarf using only the knit stitch your edges will curl. What do you do to correct that issue? There are several answer but for me the solution is steam blocking. I found myself constantly sending folks to Google or YouTube for videos so I decided to do my own.

This is episode 10 of the Tell You Tuesday series. I hope this video is useful to you.  ( Read More )…

Add Beads to Your Loom Knitting Project

Loom Knit with Beads

Add beads to your project and get a little bling with little effort. Although not difficult there are some limits and techniques that you have to know before you start.

When you loom knit both ends of your  strand of yarn at basically trapped. There is no open end that allows you to add anything at all.


Loom Knitters Glove Pattern Video

How to Knit the Loom Knitters Glove on 23 Pegs

Loom knitters glove

The loom knitters glove is a very useful project. When I knit for a long period of time I get pain on the edge of my palm. I believe it’s from the loom hook rubbing on my skin so I designed a loom knitters glove to relieve this discomfort for me and my friends.

Below is the list of supplies, more pictures and the step by step video. Let me know if there are changes you would like to see on this project. It’s a work in progress that I hope one day will be helpful for most loom knitters.


What to Charge for Handmade

What to Charge for Your Crafts

Have you ever wanted to sell your knitted items but didn’t know what to charge?  Here is Episode 7 of the, Tell You Tuesday series to answer that question. Like you I knit and sometimes I sell the finished product on one of my Etsy stores, Loomahat or Missionboundcreation.

It’s a short 3 minute video based on an article by Etsy Education Manager, Abby Feuer. I break down the method to help you price your products. I also add my own twist after years of insight on the subject.

Hope the information is helpful. Let me know if you have any advise of your own for others.


Loom Knit Linen Stitch Hat Pattern Video

How to Knit a Linen Stitch Hat on Round Loom

Loom Knit Linen Stitch Hat

I designed this pattern last year during a cold spell in Tallahassee, Florida. It’s taken me some time to bring it to you because I had so many hat patterns last year that I needed to give you all a break. But now I bring you a video of the hat that is part of a set. The directions for the cowl are in the written pattern.

Hope you guys like it as much as I do. This is one of my favorite stitches. It is unisex, super cool and elegant.


Loom Knit Stripes in the Round – Without the Jog

Loom Knit Straight Stripes on a Circular Loom – Jogless

Do you ever get those weird, crooked lines when you loom knit stripes? There is an easy solution to that pesky problem. I answer the question with a short 3 minute video. I really like this fix for my Comfort Dolls project, for hats and of course for those of you that like making socks.

Note that this is episode 6 in the, Tell You Tuesday series that I started this year. To watch some of the past episodes: Click HERE

To watch click the video above.


Knit Teardrop Earrings On Any Knitting Loom

Loom Knit Teardrop Earrings

Teardrop Earrings - Loom knit

Have you ever wanted accessories to match your hat, scarf, shawl or whatever knitted item you planned to wear? Here is a quick and fun project for a pair of earrings you can make with the leftover scarp yarn from your hats and scarves. How cool is that?

Below is the list of supplies and scroll down for the video.


Tiny Sheep Pattern on a Round Knitting Loom

Loom Knit the Tiny Sheep Pattern Video

Loom Knit Tiny Sheep

I have been wanting to make a tiny sheep pattern for years.  I’ve been caught up in so many winter projects I have not had the time to knit a toy.  Early this month I stopped knitting the hats and scarves in order to knit a little lamb that I hope you will love as much as I do. Another thing to consider is that you can make your tiny sheep in any color which means you can use up your scarp yarn.  Make it more unique by adding or subtracting the number of rows on each section.

By the way, I will be using my little guy as a pin cushion.  That makes it a great gift for kids and gown-up. Join this project with the Tiny Chicks for an Easter gift or keep it around as I work my way to finishing a Nativity Set.

The pattern video is below. Let me know in the comment section any thoughts or questions.


Top Ten Stitches for Beginners

Best Loom Knitting Stitches for Beginners

I often get asked what are the best stitches for beginners. In the above video is my list of the top ten. Some are a bit more difficult than others but I believe all are worth taking the time to learn them.

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