Is There 2 Versions of the eWrap

Is There 2 Versions of the Loom Knitting eWrap Stitch ?

2 versions of the eWrap

Is there 2 versions of the eWrap stitch? The question was asked on Facebook. The answer is yes and no. But the solution is a substitute. Watch the video and see if you agree. Feel free to comment or recommend a different solution.

Click the picture above for a link to a short video.

For a Link to the Video: Click HERE

Yarn Project Organizer & Workbook Review and Giveaway

Yarn Project Organizer & Workbook by Kristen Mangus

Yarn Project Organizer & Workbook


I received the brand new Yarn Project Organizer & Workbook by Kristen Mangus from GoodKnit Kisses. For some of us nothing else needs to be said. But for those that need more information I have tried to break down for you. I will tell you whats included, how I used it, what I like best and what I would change. Lastly I will give  an overall rating of the book.

I will give 2 copies of the book, thanks to my Looma Sista Kristen. I am using Rafflecopter to randomly pick 2 winners. Find that all the way at the end of the post.




How to Choose a Cast-on or Cast-off

Choose a Cast-on or Bind-off for Your Project

This is Episode 4 of the Tell You Tuesday Series.

There are MANY options for starting and ending your project. This video will explain my method for choosing. See the video above.

Below is a list of the recommended videos and a link to the patterns in the video.


Tell You Tuesday the New Series

Ask me a Question Today I’ll Tell You Tuesday

If you have questions put them in the comment sections and I will answer some of them on Tuesdays. Not all questions will be answered, sorry I wish I could but I will choose those that are mostly asked across social media and this web-page.

Those that don’t follow me on YouTube or Facebook, I’m sorry that I didn’t do this post earlier. There is a new series for January and February called I’ll Tell You Tuesday. For the details watch the video above.

To Watch the Full Series: Click HERE


Chinese Waves Hat Pattern Video

How to Loom Knit the Chinese Waves Hat on a Knitting Loom

loom knit Chinese wave hat

The Chinese Waves hat is a pattern requested by my Patreon Patron Kassandra T. I thank her for the support and the inspiration. Sorry that t took me a bit longer then it should have but I think I came through. The stitch is beautiful and a lot easier than it looks. I’m especially happy that I was able to use a large gauge loom which is very important to me and that I could use the eWrap version of the knit stitch.

In this step by step video tutorial I will show you how to knit, purl and do the Slip 1 with yarn in front stitches. By the way, there is a separate video that shows how to knit the stitch flat. 


Loopy Stitch Gloves

Loom Knit the Loopy Stitch Gloves on a 24-Peg Loom

Loom knit loopy stitch gloves fingerless

The fingerless Loopy Stitch Gloves pattern video is below. I had already done a video of the stitch. Here is the video for the complete project. You can finish this one over the weekend because it’s a lot easier then it looks

Check out the supply list below.  Keep in mind that you can substitute the bulky with 2 or 3 strands of yarn you would knit together.  ( Read More )…

Loom Knit the Loopy Stitch

Loom Knitting the Loopy Stitch Pattern

Loopy stitch on a knitting loom

If you follow me on Instagram you know that I have been playing around with the Loopy Stitch pattern for a while now. I finally figured it out and before I post the Loopy Fingerless Gloves pattern I want you all to know how to do this really cool stitch. Watch the video all the way to the end for a preview of the gloves.  I also like it for socks, scarves, boot cuffs, a little sheep and a lot of other stuff. I think it can make any project a bit more fun. 

The stitch looks more complicated than it really is. One thing that I do want to tell you in advance is that it is time-consuming. Personally, I think it’s worth the extra time.


Childs Hat on a Large Loom – The Parthenon Pattern Video

Make a Child’s Hat with a Large Loom

Loom Knit Childs Hat large loom

Yes, you can use an extra-large, circular loom to make matching hats for a dad and his little mini-me. The hats fit your average adult male and a kindergartner. The trick is the yarn and the stitch, so to make this work you have to follow the instructions carefully and use supplies that match the list below.


Loom Knit Purl in 8 Hat Pattern Video

How to Loom Knit the Purl in 8 Hat AKA Not Crochet

Loom Knit Beanie Purl in 8 Hat

In November the Purl in 8 Hat also known as the Not Crochet Hat and Cowl pattern was exclusive for Patreon patrons. I asked them about doing a video and many agreed for me to do a pattern video. So thanks again patrons for your generosity.

This is such a rich textured stitch which is now my favorite. I think you will agree with me.  The stitch designer is Stephanie May and you can find her on Facebook and Instagram under the name, LoomaticFrindge.

Below the supply list and more information. Please note that the cowl is only available in the written PDF pattern.


Loom Knit Chunky Mens Cowl Pattern Video

Loom Knit a Chunky Mens Cowl on Any Loom

Chunky Mens Cowl

Cowls are GREAT for quick gifts and for charity. Less time and less yarn for a good-looking scarf. Not to mention, there just aren’t enough patterns for our men, so here is a Chunky Loom Knit Men’s Cowl. You can use any loom round, long, rectangular or even an S loom. You just need 24 pegs. The pattern is basically a repeat of 1 row of 2 easy stitches.

Below is a list of supplies and the step by step video tutorial. Some are optional but the bulky or super bulky yarn is not. The look of the fabric is very different by using a lighter weight yarn. The stitch makes a very lacy fabric if the yarn is light weight.


Loom Knit Garter Stitch Hat Pattern Video

Simple Garter Stitch Hat on an Extra Large Knitting Loom

Loom Knit Garter Stitch Hat

This garter stitch hat is a classic. There is a really good reason for that and it’s because the garter stitch is easy to knit and it makes everything look great.

I used a super bulky yarn for a quick, warm, cozy winter wear. And, when I say super easy and super quick, I mean you can complete the pattern in 2 hours or less. I know this because I actually timed myself when I made the beige and brown hat. This makes it a great charity and gift giving pattern. By the way, the two-tones make it my favorite.

Another reason to consider the bulky yarn is the overall look of the fabric. Using a different weight will look a bit different. If you intend to use worsted weight you may need to as far as using 3 strands.

I will repeat this statement for the thousand time; be sure to watch the video completely before you start your project.


Loom Knit Loopy Large Pom Pom made with 24-Peg Loom

Loom Knit Pom Pom Video

Loom Knit Large  Pom Pom

A loom knit pom pom adds a cool funky look to your knit hat. What is extra cool is that you can use this same technique to make a bow for your gift box or even a bath puff. I hope you like this project as much as I do. Have fun with color or fiber combinations

I filmed a video a few years ago for a smaller version of this same project using a flower loom. Here is a link for that one: Click HERE


Oversized Cowl on a Knitting Loom Pattern Video

Loom Knit the Purl in 8 Oversized Cowl

Oversized cowl Loom Knit

I am officially obsessed with this oversized cowl and the Purl in 8 stitch by Stephanie May aka Loomatic Fridge. I think it looks great in every color and on everybody. If you know me, you know I love unisex projects. That makes gift giving a breeze.

I do believe the yarn is key to accomplishing the look. My husband picked this particular yarn and I believe it was the best choice. A combination of wool and acrylic makes it the best of luxury and economics. By the way, It’s chunky and soft, two qualities you want from winter wear.

As for the pattern, it is not difficult. In fact, once I got going, I found it very therapeutic. I was even able to catch up on some of my favorite YouTube creators while I finished the project.

Like most of my designs, this one has a step by step video tutorial. There is a written pattern that you can buy on Etsy. There is a link below. But I believe the video is easy enough that you can complete the oversized cowl by just watching me knit the project. If you do buy the pattern, thank YOU so much. I greatly appreciate the support.


Easy Rib Stitch Hat Pattern Video

Loom Knit a Chunky Easy Rib Stitch Hat

Loom Knit Easy Rib Stitch Hat

This is an easy rib stitch hat pattern. The bulky yarn makes it perfect to wear in the winter season. The plus side of the design is that it will work will for any member of the family. Even those that are hard to please.  You can wear it like a brimless slouchy or a beanie with a brim.

Below is the step by step video for the pattern , a list of supplies and more information.


Teeny Tiny Hats on a Knitting Loom Pattern Video

Loom Knit Teeny Tiny Hats on a Round Loom

Loom Knit Teeny Tiny hats

I made these teeny, tiny hats for my Fuzzy Dots because I had a few pictures in mind and I thought they would look more fun wearing them.  Since then, I have been asked many times for the pattern. I decided it was time to write one and film a video to go with it.

By the way, they should fit most of the Ballerina Dolls made with my pattern. They should also fit your Barbie Dolls well.

Below is a step by step video of the project. I you want to purchase the written pattern: Click HERE


Its no secret that China is the worlds factory. For many years, Western countries have outsourced manufacturing jobs to China in order to save money and reduce their production costs. But how does this affect products made for Canadians? The answer is simple: it doesnt. Canada imports over $30 billion worth of goods from China every year from wethenorth darknet , making them our number one trading partner by a wide margin. Despite being so reliant on Chinese imports, there are virtually no safety standards enforced by the Canadian government. This means that most imported goods are not tested or regulated before they hit store shelves here at home - which can be dangerous for unsuspecting consumers who may accidentally purchase these unsafe products without knowing any better! Well talk more about.
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