Loom Knit Purl in 8 Hat Pattern Video

How to Loom Knit the Purl in 8 Hat AKA Not Crochet

Loom Knit Beanie Purl in 8 Hat

In November the Purl in 8 Hat also known as the Not Crochet Hat and Cowl pattern was exclusive for Patreon patrons. I asked them about doing a video and many agreed for me to do a pattern video. So thanks again patrons for your generosity.

This is such a rich textured stitch which is now my favorite. I think you will agree with me.  The stitch designer is Stephanie May and you can find her on Facebook and Instagram under the name, LoomaticFrindge.

Below the supply list and more information. Please note that the cowl is only available in the written PDF pattern.

Purl in 8 Hat Supply List and Information

Loom Knit Purl in 8 Hat aka Not Crocheted

SKILL LEVEL: Advanced Beginner

STITCHES: Knit and Purl

LOOM: 41-peg extra loom (needs to be odd-numbered)

YARN: Approximately 90 yards of Bulky #6. I used Wool-Ease in Pumpkin  and Glacier

TOOLS: Loom Hook, Yarn Needle , Stitch Markers

SIZE: Hat is 11 inches long, Cowl is 8 inches in height x 24 inches circumference.

Consider Joining Patreon . For as little as $2 get all patterns posted each month. With a higher $5 pledge you also get the downloadable video so that you don’t need to be online to create your project. To join Patreon: Click HERE

.Loom Knit Purl in 8

Image Credit: Kristi Schilling
Yarn: Lion Brand Scarfie in Cream and Black and  added white yarn to thicken up.
The Purl in 8 Oversized Cowl : To purchase the PATTERN Click HERE

Pattern Video: Click HERE



The Pattern Video

As always I say watch the video completely before starting the project. It will give you a sense of do-ability because you have the concept of the pattern.

If you enjoy the video, please share it with your friends and family and remember to subscribe to the channel and click the little bell so that you don’t miss any of my upcoming videos: Click HERE

Let me know if you have any comments or questions about the pattern here or on the YouTube channel.

Lastly, I recommend two videos in this one below are the links.

Recommended Videos:
Loose Loops: Click HERE
Bind-off: Click HERE


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Comments: 14

  1. Susie Ranson January 7, 2019 at 8:28 am

    Denise, can this pattern be done flat?

    • Denise Canela January 7, 2019 at 11:33 am

      The hat can do done flat but the pattern would change

  2. Terry January 5, 2019 at 9:52 pm

    Hello. Is the yarn the wool ease or the wool ease thick and quick? Thank you!

  3. B.Nunez January 5, 2019 at 4:32 pm

    Hello Denise I just want to say Thank you! because of you I learned how to loom knit you were the only one that explained it in a way is was easy to understand.I love all your videos and instructions.

  4. Shirley G January 1, 2019 at 2:13 pm

    Love all of your videos especially your hat ones. I have a question about dishcloths. What yarn do you use most of the time? How do you decide how many pegs for 8 inch square if you use small gauge loom?

  5. Jessica December 28, 2018 at 6:45 pm

    I want to make another of your hats, but I had a question- is the Purl in 8 hat a snug fitting hat or looser? In your video it seemed quite large but you didn’t show it on an actual head. It is a really beautiful stitch and I’d like to try it.
    Happy 2019!

    • Denise Canela December 29, 2018 at 2:38 pm

      Hi Jessica, it’s a loose fitting hat – very slouchy

  6. Kamesha December 16, 2018 at 1:30 pm

    I have a question about the Santa/ elf hat pattern that you posted some time ago. Just wanted to know if I can use bulky yarn for that pattern if I am making it for a toddler and should I use a loom with a smaller base. ( 36 peg instead of 41). As always love your videos and I will definitely be making this purl in 8 hat!

    • Denise Canela December 17, 2018 at 2:18 pm

      Thank YOU Kamesha, Yes and Yes 🙂

  7. Cis Hancock December 15, 2018 at 9:15 am

    What a beautiful hat! This pattern has inspired me, thanks for sharing.

    I love your videos as your voice is so calm, the pace is perfect, and you explain the process so easily. You could start another business: “Denise’s How To Make Awesome Videos”.
    There are many knitters who record instruction who need your help! 🙂

    Wishing you and your family a joyous holiday season.

    • Denise Canela December 15, 2018 at 6:40 pm

      Thank YOU Cis – I laughed so much – You are SUPER sweet!

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