Rainbow Loom Bracelets Fishtail – Without the Rainbow Loom

Rainbow Loom Bracelets Fishtail on Your Loom

Rainbow Loom Bracelets Fishtail

Rainbow Loom Bracelets Fishtail without the Rainbow Loom. You can make this very pretty bracelet on any loom you already have. The size and shape don’t matter because you only need two pegs. This means that from the smallest to the largest, round or square, doesn’t matter, if you have a loom it will work. So here your chance to use that loom that’s gathering dust from lying around.

I didn’t even use the rubber bands from Rainbow Looms nor the c-clips. Below are the items I used to make my Rainbow Loom Bracelet.

Scroll Down for A Pattern and Tutorial Video

Para un Tutorial en Español : Haga Clic Aquí


Tools and Materials : Just 4 !


rainbow loom bracelets fishtail

Rubber Bands


Jump Rings

Rainbow Loom Bracelets Fishtail

Any Loom


My Loom

Loom Hook

Rubber Bands

Jump Ring



rainbow loom bracelets fishtail

Band Refills


Glow in the Dark

Rainbow Loom Bracelets Fishtail

Tie Dye









If you feel more comfortable with the c-clips Amazon has Lots of Great Deals on the Rainbow Loom Bands refills and compatible brands. Soooooo many to choose from.

Some off-brand packages of bands come with as many as 1000 or even 1800 multi-colored rubber bands and anywhere from 24- 40 c-lips. The fishtail bracelets takes LOTS of rubber bands. Click Here



Fishtail Bracelet Pattern


Step 1:  Choose two pegs on your loom.

Step 2:  Get one rubber band, twist it to make an 8 shape. Put one loop on each peg.

Step 3: Put two more untwisted rubber bands on top of the first band.

Step 4: With your hook pull the one of the bottom loops (your first twisted band) off the peg and on place it in-between the two pegs. Do the same with the other loop.

Step 5: Place another rubber band over the two left on the loom.

Do Step 4 – Step 5 until you reach the desired length.

Step 6: When pulling the bracelet off the loom do it with your hook. Pull all the loops onto the hook.

Step 7: Transfer the loops from your hook to the c-clip or your option for clasping the bracelet.

………………Yea Done !


Video – Less than 8 minutes

 I recommend that you watch the video completely before trying to do the project. I say this not because the project is difficult but because it makes easier. So put your materials together and after you finishing watching the video make your bracelet and remember to share pictures. I would love to share them with other readers. If you have any question leave them in the comment section and I will do my best to answer you as quickly as possible.




How About Some Charms – Cool and Cute Ad-ons


I really like these. I think adding charms to your bracelet adds some extra “charm” to any of your accessories.  These are especially made for the rubber band bracelets.

For more information : Click Here


Another Bracelet: Made with Embroidery Floss


Friendship Bracelet

The Friend Bracelet is one of my favorites.

If you like bracelets this is another option. This one is made on the Spool Loom with embroidery floss . Nice and easy and really cool. And beads to give it a touch of Classy.

Take a look and try out the free pattern and video tutorial.

Click Here



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Comments: 9

  1. Anonymous April 19, 2014 at 11:59 pm

    Cool needs som more charmers thoe like41

  2. […]  For an English Tutorial: Click Here […]

  3. Anonymous January 13, 2014 at 6:05 pm

    Unfortunately, the video wouldn’t load:( I’m having trouble but I have someone that can help;).!

  4. Mom23Angels January 8, 2014 at 9:33 pm

    I just KNEW there had to be a way to make these bracelets without the $15 Rainbow Loom. Thank you for your fantastic tutorial and video. My youngest saw the instructions and began making her first fishtail bracelet before even watching the video! Excellent instructions — greatly appreciated the notation about using a jump ring, and not a split ring.

    • Denise Canela January 9, 2014 at 11:13 pm

      You are Greatly welcome ! Love it when the little ones get busy crafting. : )

  5. Anonymous December 31, 2013 at 11:58 am

    How to make rubber band bracelets out of fun loom with out the rainbow loomer

  6. […] For a FREE Pattern and Video Tutorial: Click Here […]

  7. Abby November 29, 2013 at 7:00 pm

    I just watched the fishtail loom bracelet video. what a fun project to make or do with girls. Thanks for the inspiration and visual.

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