Rectangular Neck Warmer

Loom knit cowl neck warmer scarf loomahat

Loom Knit Rectangular Neck Warmer Video and Information

Knit a garter stitch rectangle, fold the fabric into shape and get a neck warmer in just a few hours. In fact, you still have time to finish this project before the holiday season is over.

It’s simple and elegant and you can make it in your favorite color. Better yet, these make GREAT gifts for the whole family.

And the step by step video will guide you through the whole process. Just scroll down to the buttom of the page.

Supplies and Information

Loom knit cowl scarf neckwarmer pattern

SKILL LEVEL: Advanced Beginner

STITCHES:  Knit (U-wrap), Purl

LOOM:  Any large gauge loom with 30 pegs. I used a 31-peg loom.

YARN:  Approximately 140 yards of Chunky #5.

TOOLS:  Loom Hook, Yarn Needle

OPTIONAL:  Stitch Markers, Buttons

SIZE:  18×9 inches / 45×23 cm


Consider Joining Patreon . For as little as $2 get 2 patterns posted each month. With a higher $5 pledge you get all patterns plus a downloadable video so that you don’t need to be online to create your project. To join Patreon Click HERE

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Comments: 2

  1. Véronique Henry January 3, 2024 at 11:48 am

    Merci pour ce patron.
    J’ai eu du mal au début mais j’ai finis par y arriver.
    Je ne comprenais pas les abréviations
    Notamment “slp1”
    Je ne sais toujours pas ce que cela veut dire.
    Alors je me suis dis que c’était une maille lisière pour finir les côtés joliment et que le projet final se tienne.
    Dommage, je ne peux vous donner le travail final en photo.
    Pas Facebook, ni Instagram.

    Encore merci pour tout.

    • Denise Canela January 18, 2024 at 3:10 pm

      Salut Veronique !
      “slp1” means to slip the stitch. In other words, to skip that peg.

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