Loom Knit Scrunchies on Round Loom Pattern Video

Jumbo Hair Scrunchy on a Circular Loom

Loom Knit Scrunchies Scrunchy

I wanted scrunchies that were super cute and easy to knit. I wanted the fabric to look wrinkled. Most importantly I wanted to make the project on a regular large gauge loom.  All of the list is checked off. As a bonus, I was able to use up some of my scarp yarn. Enjoy the project and invite others to join in on the fun.

Like most of my projects, this one includes a step by step video tutorial. It’s under 13 minutes so you can quickly watch it completely before starting the project.

Supply List and Information

Skill Level:      Beginner

Size:                 Adult – Approximately 6 inches (15.24 cm) in diameter

Stitches:          Knit, Purl

Loom:              Small Round Loom 5-6 inches in diameter – I used the Knifty Knitter 24-peg loom

Yarn:               Approximately 70 Yards of Worsted weight yarn (10 yards per color)

Tools and Notions:    Loom hook, large eye needle, measuring tape, 6.5 inch flat stretchy cord

Video:                         Watch completely before starting project: Click HERE

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th a higher $5 pledge you get all patterns plus a downloadable video so that you don’t need to be online to create your project. To join Patreon: Click HERE.

Scrunchies Pattern Video

Remember to watch the video completely before starting the project. And to make sure you get notified when there’s a new video subscribe to the channel and click the little bell.

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