Serenity Loom – An Alternative

Serenity Loom - AlternativeSerenity Loom – An Alternative

The Serenity loom is no longer widely available. This could be because of all the issues presented by those folks that actually used the product and were dissatisfied. The complaints were in abundance. However the concept was a great one. A loom that would allow to loom knit a blanket , afghan or throw without the need to seem together several pieces.

Authentic Knitting Board seems to have taken the concept while making sure not to adopt the flaws of the Serenity loom.

Serenity LoomThe Super Afghan Loom

According the KB website: Knit a 60″ afghan in one piece!!

Hi-grade plastic loom with 198 pegs, smooth finish, 7/16″ gauge. Size 11″ X 19″.The rounded construction and shape allow for many stitches without taking up much room. Lightweight and smooth finish makes this loom a joy to use. Knit shawls, afghans, and much more in single knit. Use all 198 pegs or less for smaller projects.

Kit includes:

  • Afghan Loom
  • Instructions
  • 3 Afghan projects
  • Knit hook

I’m excited about this product which is flying off the shelves. 

afghan_simple250Serenity Loom


So You Still Want the Serenity Loom

Serenity loom Collage

There is a sort of knock-off of the original currently available on Amazon. I can’t comment much on it other then the ratings and comments are really good and it has a money back guarantee.. To read them click: HERE

A Loom Review


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Comments: 5

  1. Cleta JO Mayfield January 10, 2015 at 12:03 am

    Love your tutorial on the marshmallow baby blanket…… going to make one for

    1. Expected great nephew
    2. Great great nephew
    3. Expected Great great grandson
    Thank you again for your TUTORIAL

    • Denise Canela January 10, 2015 at 8:24 am

      The Marshmallow Blanket was created by Kristen Mangus .. Her site is Good Knit Kisses. To visit here click HERE

  2. the-north-face November 6, 2013 at 9:15 am

    Hi, this is an great post.

  3. Jackie October 24, 2013 at 12:38 pm

    I have it. So far so good 🙂 No pegs have popped out and I’m rough on my other looms. I’m working on an easy blanket for husband for Xmas. It does take me awhile to get around the loom, but I’m a leftie and that could be why. Of course, it could be that it has 198 pegs 🙂

    • Denise Cenela October 24, 2013 at 6:30 pm

      It can’t be because you’re a lefty – lefties are brilliant. My daddy, brother and husband are lefties… all brilliant. 🙂

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