Suela Wess Makes Dolls that Heal

Suela’s Loom Knit Dolls

Loom Knit Cupcake Dolls

Suela Wess sent me a message on Facebook with pictures of her dolls. They were a fun twist on my Cupcake and Ballerina doll patterns.I was immediately in love. Then I read her story and it took my breath away. I was speechless and in tears. I asked Suela if I could share pictures of her dolls on my social media page. She agreed to share the dolls. I never asked if I could share her story and so to respect her privacy I won’t get into details. It’s enough to say this women is amazing and a strong advocate for young victims of sexual abuse. She took a traumatic experience and used her loom to help her in the healing process and to help others.

Her Attention to Detail is Part of the Joy

loom knit dolls

The dolls in the image above are modified versions of the ballerina and the cupcake dolls. Suela added so much sassiness to her creations. I giggled to see them in jeans, with sunglasses and with side purses. I want you to pay close attention to how far she went in her details on the doll below. When I saw the picture I screamed,  “OmG, she has a camera in her hand! ” I was rolling. I kept thinking, “Suela girl, just drop the mic, it’s over. You’re a rockstar ”  I felt great for the rest of the day.

I have to admit that when Suela contacted me I was in a bad spot in my head. Nothing compared to her situation but I was discouraged. Like many of you who reach out to me exactly when I need it, such was the case with her. She told me her story and what she was doing. Knowing that my videos were helping this beautiful, courageous soul was humbling. I needed to stop being an idiot and get back to work.

She said, “Thank you so much for your videos! I love loom knitting and I love the projects! Loom knitting has helped me get through some very difficult days… thank you. ” And I knew God was confirming my efforts and that brought me joy. And just in case I forgot, this week I’ve received soOOoooo many encouraging message. Amoung the messages was a short sentace that did it all for me. It said, “You’re doiing God’s work.” That was life to me. Know that we’re hear for eachother. God made us to love, cherish and honor one another. We need to do that everyday.

Thank YOU for your comments and messages.

To support Suela: Click HERE

To make your own cupcake doll : Click HERE

To make your own ballerina doll: Click HERE

To make your own comfort doll: Click HERE

To make your own tiny bear: Click HERE

To make your own tiny bow: Click HERE

loom knit cupcake dolls

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