T-Shirt Yarn – Howto Including Video

T-shirt YarnT-Shirt Yarn

T-Shirt yarn is not just a great recycling project, the look of these finished projects is beautiful. The texture is very different from yarn. I find it odd that I think of the word, Elegant for these items. This is especially true when in the hands of Boa-Khang Luu from Releve Designs.  He is one of my favorite recycling (oops I mean up-cycling) experts.

Image Credit (Above and Below) : Releve Designs

The possibilities are endless from garments and accessories to home decor. This yarn is versatile and much more durable then expected.



Continuous T-Shirt Yarn Video

To be or not to be continuous is the question. Because you do have the option to cut your t-shirt into short workable strips. However, I say make it continuous when ever you can. For the task of loom knitting short strips will not be helpful and since this is a loom knitting site I must stay focused on what works best on the loom.

There is written pattern the make continuous T-shirt yarn on the site: To read more Click Here

While you’re there take a look around. You will find lots of great ideas. Say hi t Boa from LoomaHat.


Below is Boa’s How Make Continuous T-Shirt Yarn Video.



How About a Loom Knitting with T-shirt Yarn Pattern


T shirt yarn


Next time you visit your favorite coffee house take along your own cozy and save a tiny bit of our precious planet. This pattern is extremely easy and makes for such a pretty cup sleeve. Rena, aka as The Cheese Theif for the blog Crafts Unleashed created this cool project. She gives you step by step instructions on how to make your own. To give this pattern a try: Click Here


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