Undo a Stitch – Remount a Loop

How to Undo a Stitch on a Knitting Loom

Undo a stitch

So you made a mistake and need to undo a stitch and remount the previous loom.  Here is a basic instructional easy enough for the beginner. Keep in mind that I’m explaining what I do on my looms. I prefer to knit on round looms or single rake which means only one side of the long loom. If you knit with a double rake loom this information may be helpful but this is not per-say your tutorial.

Although almost synonymous, the technique is not frogging (frogs say, “rip it, rip it”) where pull (rip) the stitches out. A better term for what is being demonstrated here is tink the word knit spelled backward. You work your way back un-knitting the stitches.

Let me show you how it’s done.

Unravel Your Stitch and Remount Your Loops in easy 4 Steps. If you want to know how to do a complete row watch the video at the end of the post. In most cases you have to undo several stitches to get to the one that was done wrong.

Supplies on the video and in the picture.

Loom: KB Adjustable Hat Loom

Yarn: Red Heart Super Saver in Heather

Stitch: Open Weave Stitch – Pattern and Video coming soon.


1.Lift the loop (unwanted stitch) off the peg.

Undo a Stitch

2. With your hook grab the loop under the one you just lifted off the peg.

Undo a Stitch

3. Pull the working yarn to unravel the last loop.

Undo a Stitch

4. Put that earlier loop on the peg.

Undo a Stitch


Below is a Quick 3 minute Video on How to Undo a Stitch

Actually it’s under 3 minutes and shows you how to do a complete row in addition to learning how to fix that pesky one stitch.


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Comments: 5

  1. Kat Pritchett May 29, 2016 at 9:46 pm

    Well, I’m not a very good student. I did not watch the video all the way through. You only say that every time you make a video. Sorry that I used up your time with a question that you had already answered.

    Thanks for your response.

    • Denise Canela May 30, 2016 at 2:07 pm

      Not to worry Kat – happy I could answer and answering twice well that makes it 2 times nice 🙂

  2. Kat Pritchett May 23, 2016 at 10:38 pm

    I have a question a the shawl made with cotton and floss. Was it made with the rewrap stitch? I want to make the shawl with the open weave that is pictured in your blog.

  3. Annice Johnson-Kruger May 23, 2016 at 1:42 am

    Wow I like it!!! And it very helpful to understand how to Undo a Stitch……

    Thank you so much


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