Vickie Howell Sheep(ish) Yarn – A Product Review

Vickie-HowellVickie Howell Sheep(ish) Yarn

Vickie Howell has a beautiful line of yarn made up of rich jewel tones. I love colors and these are simply amazing. Of course, the question begs to be asked, Is it any good? I bought a skein. Let me tell you.

Well, let me pull back a little and start the story from the beginning. I was at my local craft store checking-out the yarn section as usual when my eyes became glued to one corner.  Either they had just put the particular section up or I had been blind for like ever and by some yarnny  miracle I could now see. What was before me but the most beautiful yarn. I went to grab a skein and my fingers went completely through to the middle. The Yarn is baby soft with an incredible sheen.  I was in love.


Blend: It is 70% Acrylic and 30% Wool with the feel of pure luxury for a lot less than most of the high-end brands.

Putup:  3oz/85g 167yd/152.7m

Machine Washable: Yes in Cold Water – Flat Dry

Cost: I paid a little under $5.00 per skein.

My Favorites:

Although pictures can’t do justice to this yarn I want to share my favorites



Hot Pink

Hot Pink


Black Soot

Vickie Howell

Dusty Concord


Pine Needle

Vickie Howell

Robin Egg


The Warning:

If you are not careful it will do a kind of unraveling thing. Hard to explain –  But really not a biggy. Not as big a problem when you loom knit like when you knit or crochet. I read that this is because it is a 1-ply yarn. In other words it is not made up of a bunch of strings but instead one rolled-up string. That is the best I can do to give you a good mental picture.

The Verdict on Vickie Howell Yarn:

Love it !

Well I could go on and on and on but suffice it to say, I used it and it’s not just a beautiful product but a very good one. Worth every penny. Some folks are hard noised about blends. I really don’t have a problem with them. But, like I said before – it gives the look of a high-end yarn without the high cost.


The FREE Pattern; Made with Vickie Howell Sheepish Yarn

Vickie HowellHere is a Comfort Doll I named, “Little Lady”. She was made for charity. I used the color Chartreuse.

It is an easy project. I loved making here and hope you can enjoy this little dolly too.

The pattern is Free: Click Here

vickie_howellDoes Vickie Howell Loom?

Yes she does.

Oddly enough, I was looking for yarn to make a wrist rest for a  keyboard and mouse. I had decided that a yarn with a high sheen would be my best bet when I discovered the Vickie Howell Yarn. While researching loom projects by this talented artist I found this pattern for Wrist Warmers.

Whooda thunk it – Wrist are in!

For Her Free Wrist Warmer Pattern:  Click Here

For Her Website: Click Here


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