Knitting with Kindle – One of my Favorite Knitting Tools

Knitting with Kindle Fire

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I love Knitting with Kindle. Well I have to admit that personally I’m obsessed with my Kindle Fire which is used everyday for hours on end by me and other members of my family. I own other tablets including an $800.00 iPad and a Sprint Slate that I have to pay $10.00 per month. None of my other tablets are more user-friendly or for that matter more useful in general.

But the point of this post is to tell you how we use it for knitting specifically.


This is the most useful feature for me personally. I do a lot of research before posting any information or designing any pattern. The tablet can be used for internet surging like any other computerized device. The Google image search is a treasure trove of ideas and inspirations. I even look for color wheels to help me choose yarn colors and presentation.

My Amazon research consist mostly of books, knitting supplies like yarn and looms. Big surprise for most people is the fact that you will find Free Knitting Books and Patterns on Amazon. I don’t know that there are any free loom knitting but any knitting book is helpful.



We watch a lot of Youtube tutorials. This feature is priceless for me. I can easily just linger there for eternity. So much to learn and so little time to learn it all.


Load Books:

With the Kindle you can have your books available off-line. Make sure you add the more memory with an SD card.

And again there are Paid books and patterns and FREE e-books and patterns.


The Newsstand:

The Newsstand is for newspapers and magazines. Currently there isn’t a loom knitting magazine but there are some really cool needle knitting magazines for subscription or single purchase. I like the fact that I can purchase a single issue and that I don’t need to commit to a long-term subscription.

Free Knitting Magazine: Click HERE



I very often watch movies and listen to music while I knit. Yes you can listen to music how awesome is that – I say super awesome.



Apps are poor – Not many but I do use a nice simple counter on rare occasions.

Here is a link to the stitch counter app: Click HERE

Knit Companion: Click HERE


Storage Capacity:

The tablet comes in 8 or 16 Gigs. It’s not worth the extra $20.00 for another 8 gigs of memory. The best option is to add a 32 gig SD card for just $12.00. This way you can download and keep more information for use off-line.


Very Portable:

Throw it in your bag, it won’t weigh you down. Light weight, narrow and thin.


Other Uses: Especially AWESOME with a Prime Membership


Movies – You can watch Netflix, Amazon Prime, DirectTV and more

Music – Free with your Prime membership. This feature I use big time while I knit.

Internet – it uses Wi-Fi to connect to the internet. You are able to surf just like you would on any other device including your desktop or laptop.  Sometimes I use the hotspot on my iPhone if I’m not near free Wi-Fi like the library, McDonalds or Starbucks.

eMail: I pick up my email with my Kindle

Social Media: Facebook, Pinterest, Instagram

and Now includes Alexa!



Average $50.00. I got one for my sister during Prime member’s day for just $30.00. I get mad when I remember that I paid $800.00 for my iPad which I will never do again. It had a lot of great features, most of which I never used.


No Subscription Needed !

Once you have paid for your Kindle you never have to pay for anything else ever again to use it. Not even Prime. That membership does give you a lot of awesome privileges. Free 2-day shipping, thousands of free movies, free music and free photo storage.


Kindle Fire Group on Ralvery: Click HERE


In Conclusion: We LOVE LOVE LOVE this thing ! It will not replace your desktop but for a $50.00 tablet you get way more than you bargain for.

Ultimate Oval Loom


To Purchase Your Own Kindle: Click HERE


Video : Knitting with Kindle



Patron’s Kindle Giveaway

Patreon Patron current or past, you can enter to win this awesome little tablet.


If you need more information on how to use the Rafflecopter below: Click HERE
a Rafflecopter giveaway

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Comments: 23

  1. Juanita Winkler February 12, 2017 at 3:09 pm

    I have a quick question, can any needle knitting pattern be converted to a loom knitting pattern? That may be a stupid question, but I see some awesome things I’d like to try, but then I find it’s needles and not loom and get frustrated.

    • Denise Canela February 12, 2017 at 3:58 pm

      Yes for some patterns. Maybe at some point we can give a blanket statment of yes to all- but right now I would say No – not by most of us

  2. Maria Esquerre February 7, 2017 at 6:58 pm

    I loooove My kindle !! I have a smaller kindle and an iPod ! Love my kindle more. Next time I am going to buy the bigger kindle.

  3. Juanita Winkler February 7, 2017 at 1:39 pm

    I love my kindle for watching the videos, my personal computer for my patterns. I like being able to sit and watch tv, with my kindle right beside me with the video paused when I’m learning a new pattern.

  4. LoriMc February 6, 2017 at 4:45 pm

    I have never owned a Kindle, or a any tablet for that matter, but have always heard great things about them. Very informative blog post on the Fire!

  5. Chrystal February 6, 2017 at 12:24 pm

    Wow this info couldn’t have come at a better time. I am looking to replace my iPad and now I will definitely look at a kindle thank you!

  6. Nancy Knoblich February 5, 2017 at 5:22 pm

    I love watching the loom knitting videos. If I can’t figure out a written instruction, I look for a YouTube video. In fact, it was YouTube that made me decide to try loom knitting. A friend and I were having lunch together. I mentioned that I always wanted to knit but when I took classes, I just couldn’t figure out the needles and get the tension right and etc. She suggested that I try loom knitting. She found that she liked needle knitting better, but she had a set of looms that someone gave her and she gave them to me. When I checked out YouTube videos, I thought, “I can do this.” So I tried it out and I liked it. What’s nice about my tablet (Kindle Fire) is I can look up a video without firing up the laptop.

  7. Rae February 5, 2017 at 3:44 pm

    I would highly suggest that you download the Overdrive App. You use it in conjunction with a library card. The audio books are really great and it’s all free. Bonus, since it’s through your local library it adds to library use and can help to keep local libraries funded.

  8. Trish February 5, 2017 at 2:33 pm

    What size kindle do you have?

  9. Diana Bennett February 5, 2017 at 1:42 pm

    I love the counter you use. I have it on my Note 4

  10. Cathy Ramsey February 5, 2017 at 1:39 pm

    It looks wonderful.

    I want to increase my pledge but I don’t know how. I love love love your blog and all your help with loom knitting. Thanks so much for doing this.

  11. Kristie Austin February 5, 2017 at 1:25 pm

    Aww, Kirdora. It takes A LOT to crack a kindle screen. So sorry to hear that. 🙁 Lex C, I had the very first iPad. Bought it before they were in stores. The only thing I didn’t like about my iPad, is Apple eventually made it obsolete by not upgrading the IOS any more so that programs stopped working on it. Then, when I got my first kindle, I was blown away by how much faster kindle is over iPad. Ardith Beers, I didn’t know that about Nooks…not familiar with them at all. I guess the bright side for you is at least you didn’t spend the money for it? 🙂

    I have to agree..(another) great article!

  12. Karen Mokas February 5, 2017 at 1:11 pm

    I have been thinking of getting one of these.
    I have been following you from the beginning. You are so knowledgable. My first choice for videos is Loomahat.

    • Denise Canela February 7, 2017 at 10:20 pm

      Hi Karen !!!! Thank you for being soooooooooo sweet !

  13. Karen Appleby February 5, 2017 at 12:54 pm

    Nice giveaway. Would love to have one for all of my knitting and crocheting projects and patterns.

  14. Sarah February 5, 2017 at 12:22 pm

    I have the kindle for iPhone app. I definitely want to get a fire just for looming.

  15. Ardith Beers February 5, 2017 at 12:17 pm

    I do not have a Kindle, but would love to have it for downloads. I was given a Nook as a gift and it doesn’t work as well or do as much as friends can do on their Kindle’s. Because of all the problems I have with the Nook, it stays in the box I received it in.

  16. Anne February 5, 2017 at 12:01 pm

    I have never owned a kindle. Great blog article.

  17. Ginger B February 5, 2017 at 10:47 am

    Wow, great site. I have an older kindle, but my granddaughter (6 yrs) can use and I will upgrade to the new one, if we win, as she is just learning loom knitting along with me and is an avid reader already, just like her grandma and her mama. I use my kindle to watch your you tube videos often, as i can see them so much clearer.

  18. Lexi C. February 5, 2017 at 10:38 am

    I have an iPad currently. I think the smaller size of the Fire might make it more useful and portable. I love Amazon! I have an e-ink Kindle and love it.

  19. Kirdora February 5, 2017 at 10:26 am

    I have one and not to long ago I cracked my screen. ?

  20. Kristie Austin February 5, 2017 at 2:55 am

    I love my kindle, too! This is my second kindle. It’s a kindle fire hd. I rarely use my laptop, especially since printing is so easy with the kindle. I do not like when I’m forced to use my laptop…for one, my laptop is SO slow compared to my kindle. And it’s so convenient to use when knitting or crocheting. It’s not bulky like a laptop can be. All n all, it’s like I can’t live without my kindle. LoL!

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