Loom Knit Stuffed Animals 10 Free Patterns and Videos

Loom Knit Stuffed Animals by Scarlett Royal

Loom Knit Stuff Animals

Beautiful loom knit stuffed animals by an extremely talented loom knitter. Scarlett Royal is a stay at home mom which that alone makes her close to perfect. To top that off she is a great artist who is not the least bit camera-shy which is great for us YouTube addicts.  I am a visual learner and can’t always follow extremely detailed patterns. Being able to watch a step by step tutorial makes the project doable.

I love every one of this little guys. In the little time she has available she has blessed followers with some really awesome projects made on looms.

I will update this post when ever Scarlett adds more critters.

The patterns that she generously makes available for FREE are NOT found on this site. It wouldn’t be very nice on my part to post them here. It’s it the Unwritten Rule of online crafting. However, below is an orderly list in pictures of the loom knit stuffed animals with short descriptions and links. I have sorted them in a way that I think makes it easy to navigate for quick decision-making. All you need to do is click the link that is next to the picture and it will take you to her personal website; The Loom Muse  and the desired pattern. Take 2 minutes to watch the video for her Loom Knit Stuffed Animals DVD. Well worth the time and your money.

While you’re visiting Scarlett’s webpage, PLEASE be nice enough to leave her a thank you comment. These patterns and videos take an unimaginable amount of time and effort.  Hey, and tell her I said Hello.


List of Loom Knit Stuffed Animals

Note that Scarlett uses mostly the Kniffty Knitter so if I only give you a peg count take it for granted that it’s that loom. In the case where the pattern or video asks for a different knitting loom I will mention it by name.

I suggest that you print out the pattern. Take a quick look through all the instructions, watch the video from beginning to end and only after that do you start looking for the supplies. I will tell you that some of the projects can overwhelm someone who is not familiar with loom knitting. However, if you have made at least a basic hat you can manage most of these patterns. You may need the video more than the pro but I know the patterns along with the video make these projects doable.

All Image Credit: Scarlett Royal


The Supplies:


Find thousands of craft supplies online!

Loom knit stuffed animals

Size KK Looms

Loom knit stuffed animals

Loom Hook

loom knit stuffed animals

Craft Eyes
In Any Color

Loom Knit Stuffed Animals

For Stuffing








Links for the FREE Patterns and Videos:

For Her YOUTUBE Channel: Click HERE



The Large Bear

Just beautiful. Can You believe this is loom knit stuffed animals.

VideoClick Here

Loom Needed: 36 Peg

Pattern Link : Click HERE



Loom knit stuffed animals

 The Fox

This one is my favorite. He is just incredibly beautiful.

Video: There is no per say video for this free pattern. There is a video below the post to help with the necessary techniques.

Loom Needed: 24 Peg

Pattern Link :Click HERE



Loom knit stuffed animalsThe Elephant

This is my other favorite 🙂 You know it’s hard to choose. I especially like this oh so adorable picture with the mom and baby.

Video:  Click HERE

Loom Needed: 24 Peg

Pattern and Video Link: Click HERE



Loom Knit Stuffed AnimalsThe Dragon

Who doesn’t want their own personal dragon?

Video:  104:48 minutes

Loom Needed: 24 Peg. Scarlett used the Martha Stewart,                   Any Brand is OK.

Pattern and Video Link:Click HERE



Loom Knit Stuffed AnimalsThe Turtle

Turtles are just plain cute. Make one that doesn’t need to be fed.

Video: None

Loom Needed: 24 Peg and the Flower Loom

Pattern Link : Click HERE



 Loom knit stuffed animalsThe Pony / Horse

This is your own loom knit My Little Pony. Make it your favorite color.

Video: There is no per say video for this free pattern. There are a few videos below the post to help with the necessary techniques.

Loom Needed: 24 Peg and 12 Peg

Pattern Link :< Content being Moved >



Loom knit stuffed animalsThe Mini Dog

A cute little dog that you don’t have to walk. How great is that?

Video:  Click HERE

Loom Needed: 12 Peg.

Pattern and Video Link:< Content being Moved >



Loom Knit Stuff AnimalsThe Teddy Bear

I call him the comfort guy.  At least that is my first thought when I think about a Teddy Bear

Video:  Click HERE

Loom Needed: 24 Peg and 12 Peg

Pattern and Video Link: < Content being Moved >



Loom knit stuffed animalsThe Duck

This is not the baby’s rubber ducky. No, this is better because the guy is Soft.

Video:  Click HERE

Loom Needed: 24 Peg

Pattern and Video Link: < Content being Moved >



Loom Knit Stuffed AnimalsThe Bunny Rabbit

A bunny can’t help but be cute. I think it’s the ears

Video: Not Free – Included in the DVD (only $6)

Loom Needed: 24 Peg and 12 Peg

Pattern Link: < Content being Moved >




Stuffed Animals HorseThe House

Only Scarlett can even imagine pulling this on off. Did you ever think you would see a loom knit horse

Video: Click HERE

Loom Needed: 24 Peg and 12 Peg

Pattern LinkClick HERE


Try Your Hands at the Crocodile Stitch by Scarlett

Loom knit stuffed animals

Click the Pick


Loom Knit Stuffed Animals DVD

By the way – I don’t get any kick backs nor endorsement fees from Scarlett for promoting this DVD – I just do it for a good mom and because she IS a great loom knitter and teacher.

Loom KNit Stuffed Animals




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Comments: 20

  1. Sarah Beth March 5, 2016 at 7:08 pm

    Almost all the pattern links say content being moved do you know where or when it will be back up? I was blessed enough to see a stuffie someone made from her patterns and now I want to do one badly!

  2. Marianne February 2, 2016 at 8:25 pm

    I am hopelessly stumped by Row 11 on the dragon pattern. Please help. I want so much to make this dragon
    Thanks, Marianne

    • Denise Canela February 4, 2016 at 7:45 am

      Hi Marianne – this is not my pattern. You can contact Scarlett directly: Click HERE

    • erin July 2, 2016 at 10:39 pm

      Hi i also tried to mske the dragon and couldnt seem to match the vdeo to the written pattern eiyher when the ear begans. Did you have any luck?

  3. jenna hedrick September 26, 2015 at 9:17 pm

    her patterns are no longer available 🙁

    • Denise Canela September 28, 2015 at 10:20 pm

      Hey Jenna – she is moving her site to another domain. I will update as soon as she does… in the meantime here is a link to the Youtube channel: Click HERE

  4. Shannon Hughson August 10, 2015 at 1:27 pm

    I love Scarletts animals & her YouTube videos make it easy for even a beginner to follow

  5. michelle May 31, 2015 at 12:01 pm

    thanks you for sharing your woderful creatures. they are all Beautiful!!!!

  6. Kim January 18, 2015 at 11:37 pm

    Wonderful work you do and thank you so kindly for sharing your lovely creations. You inspire me I love your talent.

    • Denise Canela January 20, 2015 at 8:12 am

      These creations were done by Scarlett Royal – not me… Here is her personal blog where you will find a lot more Click HERE

  7. Darla November 22, 2014 at 10:46 am

    Thank you

  8. Amelia September 11, 2014 at 2:57 pm

    Hi, I love these patterns! They are so beautiful. I was wondering if you know of where I could get a giraffe pattern for the loom? Thanks!

    • Denise Canela September 12, 2014 at 8:15 am

      Hi Amelia, Scarlett Royal does beautiful loom knitted creations. About your question… I have not seen any yet but I’m always researching and will put it up if I see one.
      denise 🙂

  9. Jolene August 15, 2014 at 6:07 pm

    Scarlett, I love all your animals. I was just wondering if you were working on more animals to knit. I do a lot of baby blankets and I always do a matching stuffy. I I’ve been making the bear you make, which I found on youtube. I bought you DVD to be able to have more of a selection. anyways, I was just wondering if there were and plans of doing more/different animals.

    • Denise Canela August 26, 2014 at 9:58 pm

      Jolene sorry for the delay in responding I’ve been ill for a bit. I’m not Scarlett. I just wanted to share you beautiful work with my readers. On the page I give a link to her site. Click on the link and leave a message on her site.

  10. Linda Jones March 30, 2014 at 9:02 pm

    These are so adorable!! Amazing they are done on the loom. What an asset to the looming community and to the recipients of one of these adorable critters!

  11. Scarlett Royal March 30, 2014 at 8:23 pm

    Thank you so much, I really appreciate this!!! This is so kind of you!! 🙂

    • Denise Canela March 30, 2014 at 8:38 pm

      Scarlett – I love you’re work. So glad you liked the post. 🙂

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