The Scarlett Flower Patter Info and Video

Loom Knit Flower Pattern


Loom Knit the Scarlett Flower named after one of my favorite loom knitting designers Scarlett Royal. It’s a very textured piece that works well alone but if you want to add character and drama to anything, this will do the job.

While watching Scarlett’s YouTube video for her Bonnie Bonnet pattern I learned an awesome little technique. I thought it would work nicely for making petals on flowers. I believe I was right. You tell me.


scarlett flower

To purchase a downloadable version: Click HERE

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Loom: Any Small Loom. 24-peg Knifty Knitter used for the samples.

Yarn: About 20 yards of worsted weight – Scarp yarn used for the sample

Hook: Any Loom Hook. Knifty Knitter with a Grip used to knit the sample

Stitch Marker:  Locking stitch markers  – If you don’t have use cable stitch holders or bobby pins,

Notions: Button


Pattern Video

Scarlett Flower

Please watch the video completely before attempting the project. This will make it much easier to understand and finish the pattern.

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Comments: 10

  1. Wilda January 3, 2017 at 1:37 pm

    Hi Denise,
    What is that , that you have attached to the pegs all around, they are silvery ?
    Some sort of marker?

  2. Wilda January 3, 2017 at 1:28 pm

    Hi Denise. Thank you for the really neat Scarlet Video. I have to agree though with Debby’s post about the music. The music IS distracting. I am not attention challenged, but I would rather listen to your voice and conversation about what you (and we) are doing.
    I’m going to go back and watch the video with the sound off …try to see how that is.
    Thank you for all you do for us. I get all happy when I see Loom-A-Hat in my mail box and can’t wait to see what surprise is waiting for me when I open it up. ???

    • Denise Canela January 3, 2017 at 11:02 pm

      Hi Wilda – I hear you friend and I’m looking for a happy medium – til then hang in there with me. I’ll get better.

  3. Debby December 13, 2016 at 11:07 pm

    I love your videos and owe my looming knowledge to you…but I don’t remember music in some of your videos. I find it very distracting as I’m trying to read the screen for instructions, listen to you and listen to music! I cannot multitask!!

    • Denise Canela December 15, 2016 at 10:08 pm

      I hear you Debby – I’m trying to find a happy medium with the music. I personally don’t like to watch videos that go silent with the person just knitting and breathing – they bore me – but then I have an attention disorder so not enough sound is distracting for me. Diversity is Humanity – right? Stay with me – lets see what I come back with that will work for you and for me.

      I give you a big virtual hug 🙂

  4. Ollie Dunlap December 11, 2016 at 11:16 pm

    I’m just fascinated with all your work. Just finished watching all your loom flowers and the cloth one, they are beautiful and look easy to do. You make wish I had started to Loom Knit much earlier in my life. Being 82 doesn’t give you much time.LOL
    You are a blessing to the crafting world.

    • Denise Canela December 12, 2016 at 12:12 am

      Ollie – you are beautiful !!! Jesus had a ministry that was 3 years long and today the world is a different place – Martin Luther King died at the age of 39 – still young -but what an impact – well I could go on and on. Make something and give it away – it may change a person for the rest of their life – you never know.

      A super big hug to you and thank you for blessing me with your kind words – I TRULY APPRECIATE IT

  5. Sharon December 11, 2016 at 3:43 am

    Love this. Would like to try making a little fuller so I can use for a baby pompom. So it will stand up. Thanks for the video. You are great!

    • Denise Canela December 11, 2016 at 9:19 pm

      Thanks for the Thanks Sharon – and I would suggest a thicker yarn for you pompom project

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