Why the Yarn Shop and Not the Craft Shop

Why the Yarn Shop Instead of the Department Store

Why the Yarn Shop

During our visit to Orlando we stopped in Winter Haven Florida to visit the Four Purls yarn shop. I’ve never been big on yarn stores but Laura sure did teach me Why the Yarn Shop and not the Craft Shop. Let’s not leave out that they have a yarn truck. Yep, you know, like the ice cream truck but for us yarny folks.

Sit back watch a video and get a front seat to the chit-chat and the tour.

Why the Yarn Shop

It was great to talk about hand dyed yarn. I had not thought about the fact that you start with a base, sometimes used by more than one dyer. Never really thought of dyers as artist in their own right. The combination of color and fiber choices takes a good eye and a good understanding of fiber and fashion.

It was great to sit in the living room and roam about the store which felt more like a really big cottage full of new friends. I experienced so many textures and levels of softness. My daughter and I even learned a little war history. I am truly a history buff so even the tiniest fact is worthwhile knowing to me.

I’m glad we made the decision to share this with you and we hope you enjoy the trip around the store. So if you’re ever in Disney take a break from the ears and go visit the Four Purl and I know you will agree with me Why the Yarn Shop is so different from a trip to the craft shop.

By the way, stay tuned for the infinity scarf I will be making from the pretty yarn I bought during my visit. Of course I could not leave without my own personal treasure. That’s a given, right ?

Video Discussion and Tour: Why the Yarn Shop


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Comments: 9

  1. Patricia J Rone March 5, 2017 at 8:33 am

    How do you keep your yarn ends from fraying.??

    • Denise Canela March 5, 2017 at 3:35 pm

      I don’t worry to much about this issue … when it does happen I just cut it when I weave in – but you could always just make a tiny knot before you start knitting.

  2. Donna March 4, 2017 at 2:27 pm

    WOW! What a great post. Going to this place would BE my Disney experience. Fantastic. If only I were a LITTLE closer! I loved this posting, just loved it. Thank you so much, it was such a treat! (:

  3. Anonymous March 4, 2017 at 11:28 am

    I enjoyed the visit to the yarn shop. Thank you. Regret we don’t have any such store we here I am located.

  4. Karen U March 4, 2017 at 9:45 am

    I love the Four Purls Yarn Shop and frequently drive over an hour to buy yarn and visit. Last December, I took a knitting class at the shop. After tearing out and restarting the scarf I was to make at least 20 times, I realized needle knitting was not for me. That’s when I learned to loom knit from your YouTube videos. I’ve since converted the knit pattern for that scarf into a loom knit pattern and it’s beautiful! It was a treat to see my favorite loom knitter at my favorite yarn shop!

    • Denise Canela March 5, 2017 at 3:31 pm

      Karen – sooooo glad. You comment made me smile big time !!!

  5. Dianne King March 4, 2017 at 8:54 am

    Wonderful. Will put that on my list to visit.

  6. Teresa Matson March 4, 2017 at 6:52 am

    Ahhhhh! Denise, I was in Winter Haven this past July. I must show my Sister this video to see what we missed! I needed a bib watching this video as I was drooling over all the sweet treats! I love hand dyed yarns, as each one inspires a different project! I would love to have her truck too! So jealous right now! I know you had a great trip….a yarn wonderland and Disney! Love the yarn you bought and do hope you share the project with us! ? must plan a vacation to Florida again soon and include her shop! Thank you for sharing!

    • Denise Canela March 5, 2017 at 3:33 pm

      Ms T – you and I are drooling twins…. and when you visit Laura tell her I wish I was there !!!

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