Loom Knit Yarn Holder Bag Video

Yarn Holder Bag – Pattern Video

Yarn Holder Bag

The loom knit Yarn Holder Bag is compact, super cute and very useful. Take your knitting on an adventure in the car, the arm-chair or on the walking path. Yes you can knit and be mobile.

The staggered eyelet stitch pattern works well in this project especially when knitting with two strands as one. Its keeps your two strands close by but separated by tiny holes.


Loom Knit Pattern Notes

Yarn Holder Bag

The Yarn Holder Bag pattern below was written for large gauge looms. The knit stitch versions are the U-wrap and the e-Wrap. The e-Wrap is included to facilitate the yarn-over.  When you reach that stitch unravel the loop before moving to it to the K2Tog peg. To do that just remove the loop with your hook then turn the hook in a circular way until you remove the twist in the loop. You will notice that the loop is now a bit longer making it easier to stretch it and place it on the peg next to it.

Always slip the first stitch.

You will knit flat.

The project is made up of 5 pieces:
1 front and 1 back, 1 connector, 2 handles. Pom-poms, buttons or wrapping the handles is optional.


To Purchase the Downloadable Pattern: Click HERE


Consider Joining Patreon . For as little as $2 get 1-2 patterns a month. . With a higher $5 pledge you also get all the patterns and 1 downloadable video so that you don’t need to be online to create your project. To join Patreon: Click HERE


Supplies Needed:

Loom:  Small 24-Pegs. I used the blue Knifty Knitter 

Yarn: 200-250 Yards of Worsted Weight (Knit with 2 strands as 1). Red Heart Super Saver in Grey Heather and Lagoon

Hook: Loom Hook . Used Knifty Knitter with a grip.

Yarn Needle: Any Yarn Needle

Stitches: e-Wrap, U-wrap, Purl  and the Staggered Eyelet.

Staggered Eyelet

Staggered Eyelet

Yarn Holder Bag Video

I always recommend watching the video COMPLETELY before starting the project. In this case it is particularly important. There are a lot of steps to complete and that can be a bit confusing.


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Comments: 13

  1. Shirley November 26, 2016 at 9:39 pm

    Hi Denise
    I would like to order the pattern, but I’m not to crazy about using my credit card online. Is there another way I can purchase the pattern

    • Denise Canela November 26, 2016 at 10:46 pm

      Hi Shirley, sorry I have no other way. I will tell you that Etsy has been around forever – I have not heard of any issues.

  2. Mary November 25, 2016 at 2:17 pm

    Denise love your site. You are so good at the videos. explaining your project. I have started three times to order your pattern of the yarn-bag-holder but each time I stopped myself because it’s had for me with the colors you use. Dark on dark it’s really hard for me to see what your are doing sometimes. Is the one that is for purchase the same color that you demonstrate on your site? Gray yarn and I think its a purple loom?


    • Denise Canela November 26, 2016 at 12:30 am

      Mary , the pattern is written text. There are no pictures. I prefer to use the video so the pattern includes a link to the video on the patge.

  3. Margaret J November 22, 2016 at 4:45 pm

    Very nice, Denise! Thanks for sharing!

    This may not be a problem for others, but I have avoided projects like this because I always lose track of how many rows I’ve done. I’ve tried using a row-counter, but sometimes I forget to click it at the end of a row. ?:o( I can never figure out what’s part of the cast-on, and what’s part of what I’m supposed to be counting, so I worry that my pieces will be different sizes and I won’t be able to match them. Can you do a tutorial, either in pictures or video, to show me how to properly count rows that I’ve already made, including an e-wrap or chain cast-on?

    • Denise Canela November 23, 2016 at 11:17 pm

      I had that same issue – here are some ideas:Click HERE

      • Margaret J November 24, 2016 at 1:03 am

        Thanks again, Denise!

      • Margaret J November 24, 2016 at 5:57 pm

        And here’s a video I just found for those of us who are visual learners!

        • Denise Canela November 26, 2016 at 12:26 am

          Margaret – THANK YOU – I’m a big fan of The Answer Lady !

          • Margaret J November 27, 2016 at 11:49 pm

            You’re welcome! Sharing is the least I can do after all the help YOUR videos and posts have been to me.

  4. jackie naimo November 21, 2016 at 4:26 pm

    thanx so much for latest suggestions. Right now I am having considerable difficulty with the tendons in both of my arms. Don’t laugh, but my enthusiasm was so great during the summer to complete loom baby hats that matched blankets…..I now cannot lift my arms without pain. I did not experience any pain while I was going at it. I sewed 16 blankets and loomed 16 different sized hats (2 for each blanket) I LOVED doing them. I did have more loom goals, but alas, crisis struck! haha. I will be back as soon as I am able, but will be more prudent. I love your lessons.

    • Denise Canela December 1, 2016 at 10:34 pm

      You are way tooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo awesome Ms Jackie !!! – On my list of heroes – yes heroes can hurt 🙂 Big Hug Sista!

  5. Erika November 21, 2016 at 8:17 am

    So cute! This is on my list of things to make for sure.

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